15 - Whiteout

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Unknown to Snow at the time, there were other minds connected to the runaway skier's dream on the Chilean mountain. Emma White was one of them. She was just opening a connection to invite her daughter to join her on a stroll around their favorite meadow in the high arctic summer, when she was suddenly in flight down the face of the mountain. If she was seen by the others in the dream, she might have appeared to be a snowy owl, far from its normal habitat, but well-adapted for a high-speed glide down the snow-covered mountain.

She observed first in wonder, then in shock, as the dream chase and battle of wills had played out. She resisted involvement, sensing that anything tipping the balance between the two foes might endanger Sacha. Her daughter wasn't in danger, except by miscalculation, which might happen if she was suddenly aware of her mother's presence. With a predator's keen eyesight, she saw enough of the crimson antagonist to know who their enemy was. She could now see for herself the danger that this Leutnant posed.

Unseen by Emma or any of the others, another set of eyes had watched the drama, including her flight above Snow and the skiers. The dream had been a test, planned in advance and carried out with precise intent. For the Elder, sitting high on a rock outcrop in a fox tunic and Cossack boots, it confirmed that dreamers could be compelled to kill themselves and that one of the Draumrs' most capable Leutnants could do nothing about it once the artifact was engaged. That Emma White had been there was a minor concern. A direct confrontation with the First Circle was inevitable, perhaps now sooner than planned, but unavoidable nonetheless.

Later, Emma surrounded Snow with a protective circle that kept all outside connections closed while Snow got five hours of deep and dreamless recovery sleep. No lines crossed Snow's brow and no tell-tale eye movement or body reflexes of the dreamer disturbed her rest. Emma watched over her with every mother's wish: that her daughter could just stay peaceful and innocent forever.

As dawn approached, Emma gently connected with her daughter and drew her into one of their favorite dream settings. They were still high in the mountains, but now back in Canada, in a rustic cabin down a forest path. Snow was asleep in a duvet covered bed in an immense bedroom, filled by Emma with paraphernalia Sacha collected over her dozen years as a Novice and now Leutnant. In that time, she had interacted with many of the Elders, and, as was their habit, they had left her with permanent memorabilia, that were now Snow's most prized possessions.

Emma had brought the tokens out of the closet, so to speak. Even though they only existed in the dreamscape, their form and function was determined by the Elder who had gifted them. An ancient book of dream lore stayed just as dusty and tattered as it was on the day that the Grey Elder gave it to Snow. A carved soapstone lamp from a White grandparent, was lit by seal oil, never went out and its wick never burned down. Its flickering light now cast moving shadows of great bears, lumbering musk ox and ever-vigilant foxes. The shadow animals formed a protective ring around the bedroom, darkening walls and corners now filled with useful tools of their art and with completely useless fragments of junk that Snow had dragged in from adventures with other Leutnants.

As Emma gently raised her daughter to dream awareness, the shadow animals turned their attention to the intruder. But, with a quiet "shh..." and wave of her hand, the animals were released from guard duty. Each stretched and settled to sleep where it was on the wall.

Snow became aware of her surroundings and smiled at the familiar setting amid the clutter of years of happy dream adventures. She knew that her mother was there and turned the smile in her direction.

"I thought about running here as I went to sleep," said Snow. "But, I was so exhausted, I guess I just crashed in a lump."

Now recalling the events of the skier's death, she shuddered. "Yesterday was the worst day of my life."

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