131.) Bitter.

13 3 2

Your grapefruit bitter kisses upon my skin 

are like fresh wounds left on my aching heart.

My throat is coated with sugar 

as your lips press onto mine forcefully. 

When your tongue tastes mine,

the taste of the cigarette smoke lingers inside.

The texture of your lips against mine melts 

like bittersweet lemon juice. 

When you pull away,

your calloused hands grip my hips,

pinning me down on the concrete.

My screams are muffled by your mouth 

pressing onto mine again,

rage boiling inside of me.

~ Taylor-Anne

May 6, 2019. 

A/N:  I wanted to create a poem that reflects how I feel around males that I adore, but I cannot have because they are toxic.  The poem turned into a story about a girl being raped by a male older than her.  For those who have chosen to read my poetry from start to finish, skipped through some and read, or have skipped all of my poems, and this is the first one you see:  I want to say from the deep of my heart, thank you for reading my poetry and I hope you continue to read during my journey.  My poetry is graphic at times, mature at times, and other times it is chaotically beautiful.  Thank you for sticking around like the chewed up bubblegum at the bottom of the desk. 

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