Sin Eater: Chapter 7

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It hadn't taken Brecht long to find the teen. Not with the string of bodies the kid carelessly left in his wake.

But the first thing Brecht knew was that O'Mallick hadn't been purposely hitting his gang members. He might have been responsible for a few of them, but, following the kid, observing his random pattern of vigilante killings, Brecht knew the teen had not been specifically targeting his gang.

That was a good thing.

The bad thing, of course, was it meant someone else was out there knocking his gang members off slowly, one by one.

And the fact they weren't leaving the Fitz root beer labels at the scene meant one of two things: either Fitz was orchestrating the hits but for some reason didn't want them to be attributed to him, or that Fitz's gang wasn't responsible for the killings at all, and that meant some new player had arrived on the scene.

Either way, Brecht had to take someone down.

And to do that, he needed O'Mallick under his control.

[The rest of this novel will continue to be rolled out on a regular basis here on Wattpad, but if you can't wait to read it, the print and eBook versions are available through all major online retailers. Publisher Atomic Fez's page (with links) is here:]

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