Ch 20

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The blackout Leah talked about was higly majestic. The girl, with her eyes turned black, sucked up all the light on the sky above them. This of course didn't happen until it was the only thing left to do. The news of her father's and Henry's death reached her soon as Malia, Derek and Austin joined the group. The area around them was lit up, fire taking in everything in its path. Valentina's power weakend but she was still able to fight Leah and Scott. But what she didn't know was that Leah wasn't using her full potential. It happened slowly. First her eyes sparked, turning back to red, then small flames started wrapping around the tips of her figers, slowly she felt herself warming up. And then it stopped. Why? She glanced to her side and saw him. Jonah was on the ground and it wasn't hard to notice he lacked an arm. Leah screamed and ran for him but was pulled back and tackled to the ground. With Scott running of to help Theo who got caught on fire, Valentina managed to come on top of her.

Valentina-You're fighting a lost battle Leah.

Leah spit onto her face and smiled up at her before allowing her fist to collide with Valentina's jaw. She now got on top of Valentina and wrapped her hands around her neck.

Leah-Maybe. But I'm not sure who's losing Tina.

Leah tightened her grip as she felt her body boiling again. Valentina's screams could probably be heard all the way in New York. 


She looked up, seeing her sister struggling under one of Valentina's fighters. She lifted her by her shoulders and smacked her head against the ground a couple times before running over to Richelle. They together managed to push the vampires into the fire. Valentina was on her feet, running towards the two.

Leah-Have I told you I loved you.

Richelle-I don't recall.

Leah-Well I do.

Richelle smiled, getting ready to attack.

Richelle-I love you too.

She whispered before burrying her fist in Valentina's face. Leah tackled her to the ground and Richelle took her blade away. She handed it to Leah but the girl returned it.

Leah-You deserve to do it.

Richell smirked and picked up the weapon above her her. With all her might she swung it towards Valentin's neck, cutting it open in a very percise line. She kicked her head into the fire and threw the blade over the cliff. Leah picked up Valentina's body and carried it into the into the flames. Once they touched her skin they grew larger. Leah laughed and hugged her sister before remembering her first distraction.


They ran to the boy. Daniel sat beside him, pressing the scared are but it was obviously not helping.

Richelle-Why isn't he healing?

Daniel shot her a look.


Dani-You're a healer Leah. Can you fix this?

He asked in tears. The battle died down with the vampires willingly stepping into the fire after the loss of their leader. Jack and Zach, with some help, managed to put out the fire too. A tear dropped down Leah's cheek as she nodded and pressed her hands to where his arm should've been. But it didn't close. Not even a little bit. Jonah's blood covered Leah's hands and knees and she was compleately lost. Leah burst into tears once a cold hand was pressed against her cheek with her own on top of it.

Jonah-Don't cry. This is not a goodbye. 

Leah-Of course not.

Jonah-I will always love you my queen.

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