Ch 7

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Leah's Pov

It was cold.Freezing.I opened my eyes but was still sourrounded with darkness.I was on the cold ground covered  in leaves.The soft grass was wet.Morning dew.I was in the forest.I kept my eyes locked on the treetops moved by weak breeze.Slowly I closed my eyes again.I didn't even want to question how or why did I end up here.Then I heard breathing and hearbeats.But not mine.My head dropped to the left to see a fingure laying down next to me.Because of the darkness and mist I couldn't recognize the figure.I rose up onto my legs and walked above the figure.I immediately recognized it.Jack.His curls were covering his eyes and he was just peacefully sleeping.He was kinda cute.While he was sleeping I mean.I can't forget this creature tried to kill me.Suddenly his eyes shot open.He gasped and launched himself onto me.He pushed me onto my back and kept me down by putting preassure on my shoulders.

Ja-Leah.I...I'm sorry.

He then released my shoulders and got up.He even gave me his hand and pulled me up.

Le-Weird mood swings you have right there.One day you want to kill me,the other you want to help.

Ja-I'm really sorry for what I did.I lost control for a second.

Le-You know I can't just forget all of that.

Ja-Yeah I know.

He frowned but I smiled.

Le-But I guess i can try to forgive.

Ja-Good.And can you explain how did we end up here.

Le-I have no idea.

The a gun shot disturbed the silence.I examined myself and figured I'm not hurt but Jack was.He was kneeling down covering his chest before falling onto the cold ground.Someone yelled out "Teresa" .I looked around to see the shooter.But I reacted late.All I saw was long Black hair following a dark figure.Female figure.I dropped down next to Jack and tried to heal his wound.But I couldn't focus.I was shocked.Jack grabbed my hand and put it over his heart which was beating so fast.

Ja-It's okay Leah.This isn't your fault.

He started struggling for air and couldn't speak anymore.He lifted his free hand and pointed to his eye then heart and lastly me.And I got the message.


My eyes started watering as Jack's heartbeats slowed down and his grip on my hand loosened.His body compleately relaxed and he let out his last breath.


I started screaming and crying before someone shook me.

R-Leah.Leah it's okay.

La-It was just a nightmare.You're okay.

I examined the area around me and realised I was home.But I wasn't in my bed.I was on the ground.I must've fell out.

R-Are you feeling well.You don't look to good.

Le-J...Jack.Where is Jack.

R-Home he's okay.It was only a nightmare.

Le-Are you sure.It was so real.

La-Just a nightmare.No one is hurt don't worry.

R-Can you tell us what the dream was about.

Can I?


Le-I woke up in the forest with Jack beside me.He apologized for everything and then I heard a shot and Jack...he fell down.He...he told me...he told me he loves me and then he died...died.And I couldn't help him 

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