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Night of the same day.

Leah's POV

I was walking to the boys house and the whole time i felt like someone is following me.I can feel the vibrations and I'm one hundred percent sure someone is there.I didn't want to run but when i got closer to the house i did and who ever was folliwing me ran as well.I rang the doorbell and Zach opened.He was the only one who Jack told I know everything.

Z-Oh hi Le...

I pushed him and locked the door.

Z-What was that for

Le-Someone was following me

Z-A vampire

Le-No not even a werewolf at least not a trained one.They would've caught me.But if it is a vampire they wouldn't dare to go near the house.There are too many of us here.

Z-Good.You're safe now.Come with me

Le-Where is everyone

Z-Living room.Preparing for tonight.

Le-So I guess we aren't going to finish the work

Z-Dani and Jay did it already

Le-Hello boys

D-Hi Leah


Le-Hi idiot

Jo-I guess that's my nickname now



Le-Don't try to imprint on me please.

Jo-K fine...Wait you know

Le-I knew from the second I smelled you

Jo-And yet we couldn't smell you

Le-I became good at hiding it

Ja-I'm happy we were right

C-If we were wrong and turned in front of you it could've ended badly.


Jo-And about the imprinting I think we all already did it

D-I 'm still holding back

C-Same here

Ja-You already have me

Z-And me

Ja-I think you imprinted on us as well

Le-I didn't yet but who knows

We heard some noise and a haul outside.

Le-Was that a wolf


He ponted at a shadow running away from the house into the forest.

Le-We have to go after it

Ja-let's go

Everyone except dani and Jonah turned and ran outside after the creature.Jack and I were side by side like today.Jack was getting closer to another wolf in front of us.It was a female.Very young one.Oh no.I turned back and jack jumped onto the wolf.She squeeled and Jack was about to bite her when I stopped him.I pushed him of of her while he was still in his wolf form.Corbyn and Zach ran to us and turned back.They held down the wolf while I was holding Jack.

Le-Jack...Jack calm down.

He managed to turn back as well and I was now on top of him

Ja -Can't say I don't like this

Le-Jack shut up

I got up and waljed to the wolf with light brown fur and purple eyes.

Le-Shhh it's okay

In a few seconds I recognized her.



Le-Richelle it's okay turn back

So she did and we took her to the house.We walked into the living room where Jonah and Dani were waiting.

Le-Richelle why are you here

R-I wanted to know where you're going

Le-I told you not to follow me

Ja-Richelle I'm so sorry.I didn't know it was you

R-It's my fault I shouldn't have come here 

D-No it's okay

Le-Dani no


Le-Don't even think about it

D-Why not

Le-Because she's my...

D-Your what

Le-Okqy I have a lot to tell you

C-We have exactly two hours so shoot

Le-So  my parents were an alfa couple of their pack.They were stronger than other.One day they left to go fight for humans against vampires.In a demolished city they found a little girl aka Richelle who I named Richelle but no one knows her real name.When they found her she was on the edge of death and they saved her,turned her by blood.They sent one of their friends to gat her to me.They were killed there and the two of us were with the wolves who brought Richelle to me.They took care of us for three years and trained us but Richelle was still weak.They had to leave us so the vampires wouldn't find us.I took care of Richelle and sworn to protect her no matter what I trained alone and trained her but here powers are weak even today.

R-If someone attacked me I probably wouldn't make it.

D-So you imprinted on her

Le-No Daniel we became sisters by blood

R-We had to hide it even Lauren doesn't know about this.We took different last names when we had to gi to school.We had some people who our parents worked for play our parents and we started living with them.

Jo-I didn't even know you were one of us

R-I am but I can't help you with anything.I was never trained the way I was supposed to be I don't even know how to use powers.

D-We can train you


D-Yes in case we need an extra fighter ever in the future you'll be ready 

Le-Now we want to know more about you

Jo-Well i'm the strongest here,jack is the fastest,corbyn can sense everyone,zach has the sharpest eyesight and daniel the sharpest hearing.Even tho you Leah are stronger than me,faster than Jack and have all the sensess stronger and sharper.


Ja-From your parents.They are alfas stronger than anyone.

D-You Richelle have their blood so you're strong as well but you still didn't reveal your full strenght

Z-We're gonna help you

D-But we'll need Lauren


Jo-We got notified vampires are in our school.We haven't met them yet.Leah if you feel anything around someone you have to tell us.And if we don't tell Lauren they will think she's one of us and hurt her.She can't defend herself and she won't survive the attack.

Le-Oh okay

R-Can I see your eyes


Daniel's eyes were glowing blue like mine did,jack's were yellow,zach's light brown,jonah's green and corbyn's white.

C-Guys it's about to happen.

I felt the adrenalin rising and soon turned.

I woke up in the morning still in my wolf shape and everyone else was sleeping.

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