chapter 2

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Present Hijikata POV


I was in bed, reading until this beautiful girl came in. I froze, staring at her. She turned to me and smiled. She started taking her clothes off. I just kept staring at her. Why wasn't I saying anything. Why didn't I stop her. Once all her clothes were off she crawled in bed with me. She started kissing my cheek. For some reason I let her...but why. She giggled, staring at me. I looked down at her. "..the kids are asleep". She whispered. My eyes widened.


I woke up and gasp, catching my breath. I looked around. I was on my futon and in my room. I sighed, rubbing my face. 22 years since I had that dream about her. She always mentions about these kids that were ours and how will always be together. Deep down inside I felt like I new some time long, long ago. But I still didn't know her. And...and I fell in love with her..I fell in love with a girl that I barely new and probably wasn't even real. But she new who I was..and she new she was in love with me as well.

(Time skip)

I was outside my room, staring at the stars. I still can't get her off my mind. That girl. She was so beautiful. The most beautiful girl I ever seen in my life. Her brown eyes and hair. Deep inside I always felt like whenever I was in that dream I was important. Like I was mean't for something. That I was met to lead something. I sighed, closing my eyes. "Hijikata san". I heard. I looked to the side and saw Kondou. "Kondou san". I gasped out. He grinned, holding up dumplings and tea. "Join me". he said.

(Time skip)

We were eating. I sighed, staring at the grass. "So. Whats been going on toshi. You haven't been getting any it the dream again". He asked. I sighed. "'s just whenever I see her..she..she always makes me feel..bright". I said. He chuckled. "Hijikata. You been in love with a girl that probably doesn't even exist and haven't even met. You don't even know one thing about her". he said. I sighed, looking at the stars. but deep down inside I known that she's out there, somewhere in the world. Waiting for me to come and be with her..and maybe..raise a family with her.

Chizuru POV

I slept in bed until one of my youngest daughter, Aimi crawled on me, cuddling up with me. i smiled, hugging her. "good morning sweet heart. Did you have a bad dream again". I asked. She nodded, sucking her thumb. I sighed, kissing her cheek and hugged her close to me. "Oh i'm sorry baby. Here you go baby". I said, wrapping the blankets around her. She cuddled up to me, sucking her thumb. right when I was going go back to sleep I herd all the kids arguing. I sighed, looking down at Aimi. "That's our alarm sweet heart". I said, holding her and getting up. I yawned, walking out the door. All the kids were fighting or talking and arguing. I ducked down because one of the boys almost threw a glass at my head. "Sorry mother". They said. I smiled. "It's alright Akifumi". I said, walking down the stairs into the kitchen. Haku walked over to me, anger in his eyes. "Mother. When will we get a new schedule. It's been 100 years now and I can't stand waking up to this ruckus". He said. I sighed, holding his shoulder. "I'm sorry honey. There already getting used to the castle so I think will start today since I got everything set". I said. He sighed. "Thank god". He said. I sat down at the table, placing Aimi on my lap. "Haku. Can you please signal breakfast for everyone. food is ready". I said. He nodded, going up the stairs.

Haku POV

I sighed, standing on a table. "ALRIGHT. IN FORMATION. ELDEST SON IN A LINE. ELDEST DAUGHTERS IN A LINE. THEN YOUNGEST SONS IN A LINE AND THEN THE YOUNGEST DAUGHTERS IN A LINE". I said They all did as told and ran to the kitchen in there line and sat in the table, eating. I sighed, looking at mother.

Chizuru POV

I fed Aimi some soup. She hasn't been eating very well since Hijikata past and i'm worried for her health. "Come on baby. You have to eat something". I said. She only laid her head on my chest, staring at nothing. I sighed, rubbing her head. My poor baby. she misses her daddy. One of my oldest daughters, Ainu came, looking at Aimi worriedly. "How is she". She asked, rubbing her head. "Nightmares hasn't been going away and she hasn't been eating since. She misses her father". I said. Ainu tried feeding her a strawberry but Aimi moved her head, shaking it. I sighed, rubbing her back. "Should I go get her some medicine from the human village". I asked but I glared at her. "No. You never, ever go to the human village. Your brother Haku is the only one who can". I said which made her flinch. I sighed, holding her hand. "I'm sorry...I just don't want anything bad happening to you". I said. She smiled and nodded. "I understand mother". She said. I sighed. "Now go sit with your brother and sisters". I said and she left. I sighed and stood up. "ATTENTION". I yelled which made everyone quiet and look at me. "Since we are living this life style now we need to start a new schedule for you". I said which made everyone groan. I giggled. After I explained the schedule all of them started training. I was only in my room, holding Aimi close to me. She yawned, rubbing her eyes cutely. I smiled, moving her hair to the side. Then I had a vision.

It was Kazama. He was laughing, watching me and my kids sneak into the forest. I gasped. He's coming after us..all of us. I stood up and rang the bell for everyone to come inside. I ran to the hall which I saw all the kids look worried. I heard them saying 'what's going on' and 'I hope the humans didn't caught us'. I stood on the stand and breathed. "Attention. This is an emergency announcement. The king kazama is after us. I think...I think he has found us". He said which made everyone gasp and start talking. "BUT I AM NOT SHIER YET...for that I must go to the human village and search for him and kill him myself". I said which made everyone gasp again. I sighed. "So for the time being please, stay here and don't come after me. No matter what happens. I'll return home as soon as possible my children...okay". I said. They all said yes. I sighed. "Alright. Get some sleep. All of you. I want you be getting well rest". I said, going down the stairs and they all talked silently. Aimi groaned, rubbing her eyes. I sighed, kissing her cheek. "Are you tired my love". I asked. She nodded, laying her head on my chest. I went in her room, laying her in bed. I pulled the blanket over her. She yawned and started sleeping. I sighed, rubbing her head. I walked out of the room and sighed. Ainu came over. I sighed. "I need you to watch over all the kids when I'm gone. Especially Aimi". I said. She bowed. "Yes mother". She said. I breathed. "No matter what happens...I need you and Haku to protect everyone...Alright". I said. She nodded. "Yes mother". I said. I sighed and kissed her head and left to my room. I started packing. Once I was done I put my old uniform on that I used to fight in wars and the one I met Hijikata in. I sighed, putting a cape over me and grabbing the bag. I then saw Hijikata katana. I stared at it. I grabbed it and hid it in my cape. Then someone came in. "Mother. Let me come with you. If anything ever happened to you I wouldn't know what the family would do. Please. Let me come and protect you". Haku said. I sighed, walking over to him. "No haku. Your place is with this family. You must protect them no matter what happens". I said. He just stared at the ground, sad. I sighed, holding his cheek. "I can't lose you...just how I lost father". He said. I sighed. "It wasn't your fault. The fault was kazama. I will not die. I will come back. I will promise you that". I said. He smiled and held my hand. "Yes mother". He said. I sighed, kissing his cheek and hugging him. "I love you my son". I whispered. "I love you to mother". He said. I sighed.

(Time skip)

When all the kids were asleep I left, traveling into the village. I sighed, feeling so empty leaving them behind. They never went outside since the death of there father. Then I seen the human village. I guess people don't really remember who I was because when I past they acted like I was one of them. I sighed and kept walking. I put my hood on and looked for any mysterious sightings.

(Time skip)

There was still nothing. I sighed, staring at the ground. Then I heard this yelling. I stopped and saw these things kill these men. I sighed. The furies probably that I heard about. They stopped and looked at me. I took out Hijikata sword. "Let's see if I still got it". I whispered. They made this groaning noise and walked over to me. I smiled. Right when I was about to strike them these men killed them for me. I stared at them, confused. They look...familiar. "Well look at here. We have a warrior princess". The guy with green eyes said.'I glared at him. Obviously there parents never told them about me because they don't know who I am. "Stay right there. Show your back and I won't hesitate". A voice so familiar said. I rolled my eyes, facing him. whole world stopped. It was Hijikata. He was glaring at me...but why. I stared at him, shocked, tears streaming down my face. He looked at me, confused. "Hijikata". I asked. He stared at me, shocked. I sniffled. "I...I thought you died. I thought he killed you..". I whispered. But then...I felt weird. I fell on the ground...and saw darkness.

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