AshLynn and Daniel part one

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AshLynn pov

I ran to arts and crafts. I didn't want to be late for class. Daniel was teaching and he had zero tolerance for late comers. He was that annoying strict teacher you never want to get . He had a short temper and would spend most of class doodling my friend , Mari. He claimed it was art. I call it love. I panted when I got to art pavilion.

"today we are making swords for a friend. " Daniel commanded the 9 year olds . We marched , crunching the autumn leafs under our feet, to the forgery.

I stood at my favorite place and started hammering away. I used a bronze base and sharpened it with ms.Rodreigruz's spear. I engraved it with silver and made a pure gold Handel with a ruby gem stone . I glossed my creation with light gloss to make it shine. I wrapped it and named it father.

I tore thru the halls of the forgery , looking for my father. I saw him hard at work forging knifes and spears. I ducked through large buff men working and managed to tap my father on the shoulder, interrupting his work.

He turned angrily , not knowing it was me. When he saw my blonde pigtails and rosy cheeks, his face softened into a large grin. He scooped me up and tickled my small stomach. I giggled and squirmed in his large muscley arms that we're covering in scratches from the second giant war, which he fought in. He placed my fragile body on my feet and asked, "whatcha got there, Lynnie ?"

I stuck out my small pale arms , holding 'father' . He picked it up and unwrapped the crisp white paper and shined his brown eyes on it. "It's great , Lynnie." He congratulated my hardworkingness.

"For you. " I chuckled at him.

He smiled and kissed my forehead.

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