Ash and Ashlynn part one

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AshLynn is my sister.

Ash is my brother.

We are twins in 4th grade.

We are the kids of Caleo .

I look like dad and she looks like mom.

She has golden straight blonde hair with pink tips . Her eyes are a light blue and she is wearing brown boots with a white dress and in her hair is a big red bow.

He has curly brown hair and brown eyes. Today he is wearing a saphire blue dress shirt and a suit.

We are going to Sunday Choir class , moms idea.

Ash pov

"Roll call" the teacher called.


A boy raised his hand.

"Marianne "

Marianne is my dads friends kid. Mom doesn't like them because she fell in love with Marianne's dad when they were teens.

Marianne said, "here, miss"

The rest of the kids were called

"Ashlynn and Asher "

Ashlynn raised her hand and I corrected the teacher ,"ash miss just call me ash."

Ashlynn glared and went off with Marianne and Laia .

I walked over to Devin and Daniel who we're talking about Space Robot Aliens. That wasn't my thing so I helped Ms.Monroe fix her clock.

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