27 | I'm Not Afraid

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Panic settles into Seungmin when they come across the gathering of teachers at the front doors of the school. The thunderous sounds become more consistent and aggressive the longer they stand there. Seungmin knew this was dangerous and that he should have listened when they were being escorted to their dorms. Now, they stand here in a situation that he hasn't had enough teaching for, he is only a second-year after all.

He briefly looks around the group, not sensing much more fear from anyone that he doesn't already have. They all look stoic and confident, especially Seojoon who looks like he isn't backing down, no matter what. Seungmin knows this isn't a time for them to be heroes, especially if they don't have the strength to do so. Their own teachers look worried and as though they may not have a handle on the situation, there is no way a student will do any better.

Seungmin feels another hand lace in with his shaky one. Looking up he sees Chan smiling at him, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze before looking back towards the door. The younger notes how confident he looks, as he gazes at the door that could break down in a matter of seconds. Seungmin wishes he could have the confidence and the strength of Chan's then maybe standing here wouldn't be so daunting, exploring wouldn't be as scary, leaping forward into new things would come easy to him.

"What are you boys doing here?" Chanyeol, an evocation teacher, questions, "you should be in your dorms!"

The group glances around at each other, as though they were devising an answer telepathically. Seungmin can tell that his answer would be a lot different than anyone else, but maybe that's a good thing. Maybe, insisting that they stay, and help is what he needs.

"We can help," Seojoon claims, "this is what you guys teach us for, to defend, right?"

Another hit to the door draws Chanyeol's attention for a split second, his own fear of it coming down distracting him from the students.

"You aren't ready for this," Chanyeol tells them, turning back to face his students, "we don't know how big of a threat this is, so there is no way you guys would be ready to face this,"

Seungmin is inclined to believe Chanyeol. This obviously a lot bigger than any of them could have imagined, and though Seojoon is a very powerful magic-user, Seungmin isn't sure he is ready for this kind of challenge.

"What are they doing here?" Jinyoung, another teacher, asks.

Chanyeol explains how he was trying to get them to leave, but they were being stubborn. Jinyoung wasn't having it and he doesn't look very happy. Seungmin feels himself shrink into himself when Jinyoung looks their way. The illusions teacher looks incredibly unimpressed by the bravery of the students and is about to chew them out about being here before a final hit is made to the door.

It bursts open. The latches no longer holding it closed and allowing the two chunks of metal to swing freely. This certainly gains everyone's attention. A tall woman walks in, long brown and purple locks flowing back with the wind. At first glance, one wouldn't see her as a dangerous being, but the glowing orange and cracked hands of hers scream something different. Everyone in the room can feel the overwhelming power that radiates from her and they all can tell that this is a lot more to work with then they may have resources for.

Everyone's eyes fall to the small boy being dragged behind her, the familiarity of him almost as shocking as the immense power coming from the woman. The teacher's get in a fighting stance, knowing now that they don't just have to put all their strength in, but they have to be calculated, so they don't hurt the boy.

"Felix!" is heard through the crowd, most of the teachers don't pay any mind to it, knowing that they need to stay focused on the threat in front of them.

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