8 | Awkward Silence

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Hands clasp together, allowing the bridge of the nose to rest against them. Slow, steady breaths fan across the thumbs, resting against the lips. Their eyes are closed, and their breathing works to keep itself steady, as the brain works to process the information.

"Say that-" The owner's eyes open, moving so their chin is resting on the center of their clasped hands, "say that one more time."

"With the recent reports, it appears the Lee family may have no relation to the student," the informant reiterates.

"Headmaster, sir, if you want us to keep looking, we-"

"No," the Headmaster holds his hand up to stop the other from talking.

"I want you to have our people stop looking there, instead resume the research here," the Headmaster explains, "if they aren't there, then Lee Felix's family must have been here, in our world, the entire time."


"It is way too early for this," Changbin groans as he follows behind Jisung.

"You're the one who said you wanted to eat with me," Jisung defends, "so this is what we have to do."

"We have to get up before the sun rises to eat breakfast?" Changbin raises an eyebrow, though Jisung's back is facing the shorter and he isn't able to see.

"If you want to eat with me, then yes."

Changbin groans once again. He loves his friend, but he can also be unnecessarily stubborn, all of this for one person. Jisung barely leaves his room and takes the long way to his classes in order to avoid Minho, now he is waking up ridiculously early to eat.

Right before the two enter, the cafeteria Changbin grabs Jisung's arm, stopping him at the entrance.

"Look, I get that you're hurting, I really do, but at some point, you are going to have to talk to him."

Jisung looks down, doing his best to avoid eye contact with his friend. He isn't in the right head space to admit he is right quite yet, a few more days of sulking then maybe he will finally swallow his pride.

"It's easier to avoid problems than it is to face them," Jisung responds, "so that's what I'm doing, at least for now."

Before Changbin can speak, Jisung pulls him into the cafeteria, dragging him over so they can grab some food, and so Jisung can avoid this conversation. Changbin rolls his eyes, but gives is to the younger. He'll drop it, for now, but later Jisung is going to have to face this whether he wants to or not.

It's too early to be eating anything big, so Changbin sticks with a small yogurt with granola and fruit. Jisung finishes grabbing his own breakfast and tries to lead his friend over to a table, but Changbin places a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

"Why don't we sit with Felix?" Changbin questions, a little surprised that he hadn't spotted the other male sooner.

Jisung shakes his head, "I've tried, and he isn't exactly the most social person."

Changbin furrows his brow. Sure, he may have seemed a little shy last night, but considering what happened, that's normal. Other than that, Changbin was able to converse with the other just fine.

"Well did you approach him acting like yourself or did you dial it down for the boy?"

"What is that supposed to mean?" Jisung feigns offense.

"Nothing, let's just go sit with him," Changbin says, already starting to walk over to the orange-haired male's table. Jisung follows, albeit reluctantly.

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