11 | Lonely

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It is said that you can harness the power from all eight schools of magic. The process is dangerous and potentially life-threatening, but it can be done. There is only one recorded time in magic history, of this ever occurring, and it caused complete chaos. The magic-users reign didn't last very long, because by taking in so much power you lose stability in your own body and begin to rot on the inside.

Aurora teaches its students about Irzis, for the purpose to drive students away from the idea of taking on more than their body can handle. Teachers encourage branching out into the magic of other schools, but they advise you to do so slowly, too much power in a short amount of time can be detrimental.

Irzis was a student at Aurora Academy years ago, back when the headmaster and many of the head teachers were students themselves. He was a talented young man that many saw great potential in. He had the wits to master the magic in the school of Illusion, as well as, take on spells from other schools in his third year at the academy. Though no one noticed it, he was a deeply troubled kid, who used his quickly growing strength for everything other than good.

After his graduation from Aurora Academy, he went radio silent. No one reported having any contact with him, and eventually, people began to forget about the former student, until one day.

Irzis returned, determined to take over the well which held the worlds magic. He was overbearingly strong and appeared to be undefeatable with how much power he possessed. If it weren't for the fact that he was slowly rotting from the inside, then there would have been no hope for the magic-users world nor the miscreant world. Irzis died before he was able to seek out the well in the school, his body locked up in a vault do no other individual could get to it.

Since then, the lessons regarding Irzis are taught in a specific way, so that teachers don't accidentally condition a student and create the possibility that they will turn out like the dark magic user himself.

Felix closes up the book, finishing reading about the most infamous person in this entire magic world. The orange-haired male has read a lot well he has been here; taking in as much as he can in the hope it will help him with his break out.

Did he end up going to the event yesterday? No. Does he feel bad about it? Yes. Felix ended up telling Hyunjin that he wasn't feeling up to it, and in return, the taller stayed back at the dorm with him. The shorter male tried to get him to go without him since Felix didn't want the taller to miss out on the opportunity to hang out with his friends, but Hyunjin insisted on staying. At first, Felix did feel guilty about it, but after they began to get more comfortable with each other and began talking, the shorter was happy that Hyunjin decided to stay, even if he won't admit it.

Sliding the book back into its shelving, Felix brushes his fingers along the back binding of each book, as he walks along the wall. In the beginning, Felix found the library as an open area with no place to seclude yourself, but after he learned that people only ever come in here to grab a book and don't actually stay, he turned it into his own place of solitude. He uses it to study the material Minseok has given him and learn more about the portal that is hidden deep in the woods, a quiet area where he can do his plotting in peace.

Today is the first day where Felix doesn't have to go to his after-school study sessions since Minseok had a prior commitment he had to fulfill. On one hand, it is nice getting a bit of a break from the constant studying, but it also means he will have to forge through his homework on his own. At least he is beginning to understand what he is learning and his control is getting better every day, though he still has a long way to go.

His thoughts wander to yesterday, the time he missed, all because of a few words uttered by his roommate. Chan has never taken the time to know him, so how can he have all the information he seemed to when he was confronted? Felix can't say for sure, but if Chan had been spying on him and looking through his notes when he reads the various book, it is very likely Chan derived the information from there.

Chan confrontation has only made Felix's urge to get out of this school, stronger. The new Conjurer is obviously not welcome and he doesn't want to create any problems by staying longer than he should. This trip to the library may have been for solitude in a way, but he has ulterior motives. He needs a history book, or even a storybook to tell him how people got through the portal unnoticed. Bambam did it, so there has to be a way out, and all Felix needs is one book that will show him the way. Though it seems Aurora puts a restriction on those types of books since Felix isn't able to find one anywhere in this massive library.

A bell strikes, informing everyone dinner is served. Felix, however, isn't going to eat, just how he does every night on the weekends. When people are at dinner, it gives him the perfect opportunity to slip back into the dorm and ready himself for bed without having to deal with his roommates. He has all the time he needs to relax and unwind before slipping into bed.


Stepping out of the bathroom after showering and in some fresh sleep clothes, Felix stuffs his uniform back in the duffle bag, where he hasn't unpacked anything. He doesn't need to when he knows he won't be staying long. Standing up, Felix goes to pull back the sheets and blankets so he can lie down when he spots a book resting on his pillow. It wasn't there before he got in the shower, and he is pretty sure he heard no one enter the dorm. An envelope rests on the cover of the book, and Felix carefully picks both up and sets them in his lap as he takes a seat on his bed.

'Two Worlds Combined' the cover reads. Felix opens the envelope and pulls out a card, with a neatly written letter on it.

I heard you were looking for this, so I thought you would like a nudge in the right direction.

-A friend you can count on.

Odd, is all Felix can say about this. He doesn't have many friends, or really any at all, so only a handful of people could have given him this. He sets the book and envelope under his bed, choosing to look into it more tomorrow. Right now, he is too tired to investigate, so he pulls the covers back and slips into the cool sheets, allowing himself to be engulfed by sleep.


Deep in the woods, a few miles off from where the vault of which Irzis is kept, lays a small wooden cottage. The trees obscure it so no one can find it. The wood of the house curving along with the trees, that one would have to have incredibly sharp eyes to spot the hidden house. Magic may have helped with it, but also incredible craftsmanship went into the design, for anyone wanting to hide, it is a dream house.

There isn't much to see on the inside, other than the floor and furnishing are scattered over with various spell books and yellowing pages with potions scribbled on it. Pictures of a single person hang on a singular wall, all most like a shrine. Finishing the interior, right in the center, floats a blue orb, the most precious item in the entire house.

A hooded figure hovers around the orb, staring into it as it reveals the desired imagery. An orange-haired boy is pictured in the orb, following his every move and giving great detail to the figure in the house. Notes upon notes are taken, and the resident of the cottage is very pleased, as things are going exactly as they should be.


Word count: 1,420

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