Chapter 7: What A Relationship Is All About!

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What is love really about? Is it just about loving someone or is it about something bigger than all of us? How do you know you truly love someone? What is self-love?

Self-love is not selfish; you cannot truly love another until you know how to love yourself, for the more you love yourself the less nonsense you'll tolerate, the more you'll take care of yourself. The only thing that will always truly matter is your peace. Self-love is the greatest responsibility, to know that you're enough. Because yo fall in love with your self is the key to your happiness.

What is love really about?

                Love is not just about loving another human being. It is also about loving and embracing who you are. Self-love is the most important aspect in life not going to lie. As you start thinking that you love a someone you also have to think whether or not your self-love is above everything else. Self-love is when you don't let anyone nor anything get is the way of your happiness. Because you only want what is best for yourself and your tranquility. Inner peace is the best state of mind. 

What is a relationship truly about?

                Trust me when I say that a relationship is a matter of trust. You not only trust the other person, but you also trust yourself to make the right decision. The right choices will lead you to wonderful experiences. A relationship means a TEAM in other words. Before you get in a relationship you have to love yourself, for nobody will love you as much as you love you. That is the first step then you get to know the person a lot more deeper and personal. Earn their trust and let them earn yours. Don't ever give your trust to people easily, you may regret it later on.

                You should always inter analyze any relationship to make sure that the person you trying to get in a relationship with is a healthy one. A person who will help you throughout the journey. Because in the end a relationship is a journey only for the brave.

                A person who loves you, will accept you and you friends. Why? Because friends are essential and nobody should ever make you choose between the two. A person who loves you will always help you through your hardest moments. Those where you feel like you just can't do it anymore they will be your support.

                There will always be that one person who will make you believe in love all over again. A love that will be the best one that you'll ever have. It may happened on the strangest situations and sometimes it may not seem real but trust me it is. That one person who with just one kiss is enough to light up your body on fire or with just one look can make your heart beat so fast that it feels like its beating out of your chest. If you have ever lost your faith in love I'm here to tell you don't.  

Is love just about loving someone or is it something bigger than all of us?

                Love is about something bigger than all of us actually. That pressure you feel when you want the other person to succeed are than yourself or even when their happiness is the only thing that matters to you. It doesn't matter how many time you feel broken at the end of the day you feel slightly happy. Loving someone is about caring for them more than you care about yourself. You would do anything in your power to make them happy because that's what makes you happy. If they hurt, you hurt. If they're sick you play nurse. See what I'm talking about here? Love is the force that glues and holds all of us together in this world. Love is capable of overcoming anything. Is capable of forging even the worst crime. So to conclude this answer and paragraph all I have to say is love is something that cannot be measured in distance or time. Love is the greatest thing that can actually happen to all of us. To love is the key to everyones happiness.

How to know if you truly love someone?

                Love can be confusing and scary at first. However there's a big difference between loving someone and being in love. I'm going to tell you all about it. To start loving a person is a choice you make every single day, when you're in love you have no say in it. When you love someone you want them well and when you are in love you always put them first. Being in love is not something you can just walk away from, for when you do, you take that feeling with you. The main difference is when you are in love you worry more about how they feel and making them happy even if it means losing them to someone else, than how they make you feel.

What is self-love?

                Self-love means having a high regard for your own well-being and happiness. Self-love does NOT mean to sacrifice your well-being to please others. Self-love means not settling for less than you deserve. With that being said self-love is all about making sure you are happy. Whenever you feel when you are in a state where you can't be happy or someone is trying to underestimate you, just leave, not because you don't feel anything towards the person (it can be family wise or even relationship wise) but because the way you feel about yourself and love you have towards yourself shouldn't let you. Love yourself, make yourself happy. Honestly this is all I can tell you, like I said before take care of yourself. That's the only thing that matters at the end, nothing else. Many people can love you and you can feel good about it, yet the feeling you get when you love yourself is amazing and can never be compared. Self-love is above everything else. You are capable of loving, respecting and admiring yourself, this is not vanity. With that being said love yourself because love is the key to your happiness.

"In order to love yourself you can never hate the experiences that have shaped you. He/S remembered"

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