Chapter 6: Being Strong

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What ever life throws at you, even if it hurts you just be strong and fight through it. Remember strong walls shake but they never collapse. Strong people aren't simply born we are forged through the challenges in life. With every challenge we face, we are growing mentally and emotionally. We move forward with our heads held high and a strength that cannot be denied. We are people who have been through hell and back and made it out alive. WE ARE WARRIOrS!

                 They say you don't know your strength until you've faced your struggles. Are you willing to be so strong that nobody asks you if you're ok? That no matter what happens you have to stand up and hug everyone and tell them everything is going to be ok even though you are hurting inside just as much? It's hard and not many people are strong enough to do this. If you are, you may define it as a blessing yet a curse. Its almost like an instinct to be honest, you feel like its your duty to protect people from the pain but since you can't you just help them get through it by making them feel that they have a shoulder to cry on and they can let everything out because someone will listen.

                 Have you ever had to be the strongest person in your circle while everything surrounding you is falling apart? I know that feeling and being honest I hated it. I've had to be strong through out the situation where someone is supposed to be strong for me. I've had to be the shoulder to cry on, the one to give out advise when I was falling apart. Nobody noticed and if they did they didn't care enough to be there for me. I know what people feel, when they are drowning and just have to put their problems aside to be there for family and getting nothing in return. I understand how you feel. That's why I decided to write this book. I don't want anybody to feel like that ever. You are the strongest human being I've known. Just know that someone out there is waiting for you to open up and talk because they are ready to listen.

                 It's hard to pretend everything is not crumbling and that the world is not falling apart right before your eyes. I know but sometimes we just have to do it, no "buts" "what ifs" because the people surrounding us really need us.

                 Honestly I can't even begin to describe how amazing of a person you are right now. You've been strong and sometimes throughout situations where not everybody would come out alive not only physically but mentally as well. It's mentally exhausting and overwhelming. Situations like the ones you have gone through to be honest it's quite  hard and you amazingly have been able to pull through.

                Being strong doesn't mean you are not able to cry or even voice out your feelings. On the contrary, it means that even though you cry or speak out you'll be another persons shoulder to cry on and while they let their emotions out to you, you will let your emotions out in another way or even while talking to someone else.

                Have you ever found yourself being strong through a break up, and feeling yourself give into depression? Maybe because it may look like it's your fault? Maybe they broke up because you wouldn't give into having sex or even trying drugs. Let me tell you if someone has broken up with you better things are yet to come. People come and go, most people can be real jerks sometimes and make you feel less than what you actually are. Don't ever let another human being degrade you as a person. Tearing you down for while you let them this will only make them feel bigger and better. Like I've said before, don't you ever let a person disrespect and mistreat you like that.

                You deserve the world, sometimes you're just misunderstood. It's okay, not everyone is going to get you and understand you like you should be. That's why you should start understanding yourself, because nobody will know you more than you know yourself. Not a single soul is going to understand your personality, reactions and reasons like you are. The reason why it is this way, even though humans are not meant to be alone because it has been scientifically proven that it is impossible to. It's actually very interesting the fact that even though we are not made too be alone we still sometimes enjoy being lonely. Maybe for even a couple of minutes being alone can bring you peace sometimes.

               I mean don't get me wrong but being alone sometimes can even ease you pain. I'm not saying that is good to be alone but in order to heal and process things you have to be alone, your mind and body have to be at ease and you can't have that while you're surrounded.

                While going through tough situations we should take some time to reflexion our actions and the situation. Be able to tell what decisions are just right and which are wrong. Even when your world is falling apart never forget........

                "You should never forget. Never forget how far you've come. Everything you've been through and the situations that have made you who you are today. All the times you have been pushed on even when you felt you couldn't anymore. All the mornings you got out of bed no matter how hard and exhausting it was. All the times you wanted to give up but you were still able to pull through another day.  Never forget how much strength mentally speaking you have learned and developed throughout the years. Never forget that hard situations are the one the mold your character and personality, no matter how hard we try to avoid them its just impossible to. Because tough situations, build strong people."

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