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We were heads over heels after that. We constantly passed notes -- saying the stupidest things -- to each other in classes we shared. Remember that one time when we just kept saying 'hi' to each other over and over again? I didn't care, though. I felt like the luckiest guy in the world. I was absolutely ecstatic. I felt like it was going too fast; I suddenly had all these intense feelings for you and I didn't know what to make of them.

I couldn't stop a wide grin appearing on my face every time I was with you. Whenever I caught your eye, we would smile bashfully at each other. We were with each other almost all the time, whether physically or by phone. Everyone said, "What did you expect from two careless kids?" What did you expect from cynical adults? We were teenagers: reckless, selfish, impulsive, hedonistic teenagers. We were supposed to make mistakes and then learn from them. We didn't care whether we lasted or not. What we cared about was being happy and living in the moment, and that was enough.

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