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I remember the day I first saw you. You had thrown your head back and were chuckling at something your friend had said, the redheaded one. I think her name was Susan. Your deep forest green blouse brought out your sparkling eyes, and your dark hair streamed down your back in luscious curls.

You were beautiful.

Alex was ranting about a movie that he had seen over the weekend, but I didn't pay attention to him. My gaze was transfixed on you. I tried to glance away before you noticed me, but I was too late. You looked at me and a half-smile graced your face. I averted my eyes, flushing slightly.

I couldn't focus on anything else after that. I had only one class with you that day, english, in which I took a seat behind you. When the teacher called on you to answer, you flushed and said a few incoherent words. I muttered the answer to you because I had read the next chapter of 1984 the previous night. After the class, you came up to me and thanked me with a lopsided grin. You asked my name.

"Adam," I murmured. You repeated it to herself softly -- I loved hearing you say my name -- and introduced yourself as Laura. I watched you as you hurried away down the hall.

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