Chapter 10

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Yeh kya hua, kuch pata na chala
(Present day)

Standing at the airport, Ehan muttered softly- "So... this is it?"

Nivedita who had been standing opposite to him, looked into his eyes and nodded- "This is it."

Please don't go. Ehan sighed. Even a drop of tear appeared on each of his lower eyelids.
"When do we meet again?" He asked as he sucked back those tears with great profesionalism.

"Maybe in another auction?" She chuckled ruefully. She was glad she hadn't missed the sight of Ehan's tears this time.

At least now you stop me? A similar cold sigh escaped her lips.

"Haha.. I'll be waiting to show who the real god of business is!" He faked his world famous arrogant laughter and hid his crackling voice behind it.

I can't stop you Nivi. I can't hold you back anymore. I had lost that right when I had let you go seven years ago... That time I had nothing but your trust was there with me. Now when I have everything, your trust is no more there. And without your trust I can't really walk a single step towards you. He gulped a huge bout of air as if it was meant to cool his burning heart.

His heart had been troubling him since a long time now.

"Being less arrogant won't cost you much, you know." She muttered with her eyes still fixed on him. So beautiful he looked in his thick rimmed black spects!

If you don't end what you have started then I am also not coming back to you again. She repeated in her heart which was now beating for the owner of the black spects.

Just then, the first boarding call came from the back.

"Boarding call for Nainital to Kolkata flight... its for you Nivedita." Ehan said looking at the digital clock. Suddenly he realised that with each minute passing by, Nivedita was going away from him. Again.

I wish I could see your kohl ladden eyes once more. This glasses are good and you look cute in them, but I was always in love with your empty eyes Nivi! He shut his eyes for once, trying to imagine the original almond eyes behind their rimless frame.

"Yeah.. I need to go." She tightened her hold on her trolley bag.

"Bye. Have a safe journey."

"You too."

She turned with that and started walking towards the luggage department. But just when halfway, she turned back again and removed the spects from her eyes. "It was nice meeting you, Ehan." She stressed more on the last word so that a hopeless smile appeared on its owner's face.

A smile, which was probably meant for one last time.



1 Month Later:

"Ehaaan? Ennu beta... where are you?" Shagun shouted as she climbed the stairs looking for her son. "Oh, here you are!" She exclaimed once she found him in his room, sitting by the window and looking at particularly nothing.

"What mom?" He asked back in return.

"I made gajar ka halwa, your, taste it once." She chirped excitedly as she held a spoonful of the dessert near his mouth.

The aroma of the dessert seemed so temptional that Ehan took the spoon in his mouth without further adieu.

"Umm...its delicious." He murmured dreamily as the warm halwa melted on his tongue and unleashed all its flavours.

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