Chapter 9

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Cupid's mistake
(Present day)


The sudden haulting of the car woke up Nivedita. It was then she noticed that she had actually been sleeping upon Ehan's shoulder for long!

Shit. She muttered under her breathes as she looked around disoriented.

"Bhaiya, why did you stop?"

"We have reached madam." The driver answered from the front seat, making her groan slightly.

"Ohh!.... just wait a minute."

She took out a pair of heavy stone danglers from her clutch and put them on her ears. Next she put her maangtika on and applied a dash of lipstick on her empty lips. She applied some perfume too and then finally turned to call a sleepy Ehan beside her.

"Mr. Ranawat? Wake up.. look we have reached already."

Ehan was sleeping like a baby. With his mouth slightly ajar and head tilted on the window, he seemed to have the most peaceful sleep of this world. Nivedita didn't know if he always slept like that, but the last time she had seen it, it was the night they had spent together in his hostel's room.

"Ehan??" She pushed him harder.

"Huh? What?" He woke up kinda like her- disoriented and clueless.

"We have reached."

"This early?" He checked his watch with his sleepy, puppy eyes. "There's still an hour left!"

As if you were romancing me throughout the journey so that you became sad when it came to an end! She wanted to yell, but checked herself in time and replied sternly-

"Hurry up, okay? I don't have the entire day for your laziness!!"

Ehan didn't say much after that. He got down from the car quietly, took out their luggages from the dickey, handed the split of the driver's payment to Nivedita and started walking behind her.

They stopped once they crossed a huge metallic gate, heavily decorated with pink orchids.

"Eww.. pink! Who the hell decorates the venue with pink flowers on his wedding day?!!"
His blabbering stopped simultaneously as his eyes met the fiery ones of Nivedita. "Uhh.. sorry... pink is the colour of love and comfort. Hence, it is used in weddings."

The corners of Nivedita's lips twitched into a faint smile. "You remembered?"

"Ofcourse." He rolled his eyes and nodded vehemently. "How can I even forget that loooong speech which you gave on this noble colour!!"

"You can't stop being sarcastic, can you?"

"Well....people don't deserve to be talked straight."

Nivedita rolled her eyes. But long before she could have said anything else, a pair of hands blocked her eyes from the back.

Ehan was just about to scream at that but Nivedita's smile dismissed him at an instant.

"Mohit?" He heard her say next.

"Hey bumble bee! Where were you for so long? And momma said that you had an accident.. is it true haan?" The guy named Mohit bombarded her with questions as he took back his hands and walked infront of her.

"Yeah.. I was admitted in a hospital for two fucking days!"

Nursing home it was, for god's sake! Ehan gritted irritatedly as his eyes landed on the tall, lean man before Nivedita. Hadn't he already him seen him somewhere?

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