Tricked Ya! Must Read! (A/N)

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Hey guys it's me I just wanted to thank you all for the reads and votes and the rare things, COMMENTS! A lot has been going on in my house and personal life that I'm not gonna share because it's not supposed to be depressing. Anywho, another reason why I haven't updated is because I am stuck. Like REALLY stuck. I have no clue what should happen next and I really would like it if you guys gave me your suggestions in what should happen. I will dedicate a chapter and maybe possible make you a character out of a name you write below. (That's if you choose) So here is a special thanks to those who comment:





I hope I spelled those usernames out correctly. Anyways please suggestions would help and get another chapter out there. So I love you all thanks for voting and commenting. Continue being awesome! XOXOXO

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