Chapter 15: Fall Down, Never Get Back Up Again

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"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none." –William Shakespeare


Death's hand on his shoulder is like the weight of the world. He knows he has to make a decision now. One word and he can stop it all, but he doesn't.

"Let them go," he commands.

Death seems to hesitate; it's funny how he's being considerate. Maybe he's just nervous like Loki.

With a sickening hiss he points to Asgard below and his minions swarm over it like a cloud of ink. Screams are heard from the citizens, screams of terror and pain, anguish and despair. Loki doesn't flinch. Not until the inky mass overtakes the castle. Then, he almost cries. Annaka is in there, and the last time he saw her was when she marched away from him down this mountain.

He couldn't bring himself to go back down. He needed to, he craved her touch with all his heart, but it was like he couldn't step foot off the trail. Now, he doesn't even get to see her a last time.

How foolish he'd been to think she would go along with his plan. She never did in the past, why would now be any different?

It's only a few moments before Asgard is nothing but ash, bones, and dust.


Annaka awakes in a pile of black. Everything hurts: her extremities, her face, even her insides feel like they're on fire. Standing with difficulty, she realizes why.

When Death had come for her, he had only taken away the frost giant in her. Now, she's fully demon, and they can't live on Asgard. The atmospheric pressure, the air, and the temperature is all wrong. If she doesn't get out of there, she'll surely suffocate.

She predicts she can last for fifteen minutes or so. She makes the best of her time and trudges up the mountain where Loki will hopefully be. Halfway up she notices she's in her demon form and changes back to human, hoping it will extend the time that she can remain on Asgard without dying.

The top of the mountain looks deserted from her view down the path, and she sighs. She had at least wanted to see Loki one last time before she leaves for her own universe.

Sitting down on a rock to rest her aching muscles, she frowns deeply. Loki and she had been through everything together, and the fact that he almost let her die kind of hurt. She understands his drive for power, but she thought that he'd gotten over it.

The shuffling of feet in front of her causes her to look up. Loki is coming out of the cave alone, looking despondent and upset.

She stands up as he approaches and tried not to cry out in pain at the burning inside her.

Loki sees her stand and feels his eyes widen.

Annaka perched on that rock is the greatest relief he's ever experienced. At first he's surprised, and then he thinks it's an illusion until she starts talking to him.

"Loki," she starts. "I can't stay here."

"Yes you can," he insists. "Why are you not dead? It's fantastic, but why? Did you change your mind?"

"It only killed the frost giant in me." Loki's smile fades. "I'm full demon now, which is why I have to go. The environment here isn't suited for me. I'll die entirely if I stay."

"How will you get there?" he asks while trying to make plans that would make it suitable for her to live on Asgard. "The Bifrost is broken now."

Annaka looks at the ground. "I can teleport there. You can, too, but I would strongly discourage you from doing so."

He sighs. It's common knowledge that he can't live in her universe without internally failing. "I'll find a way for us to be together. I promise."

She gives him a smile. "I will, too." She steps into my arms, and he hugs her tight, not letting go despite the burning of her skin.

"I love you," he tells her.

"I love you, too," she responds. He leans down to kiss her one last time, but before his skin comes in contact with hers, she fades.

He is not ashamed to say he cries for her. He knows she's alive, but he can't help feeling isolation and despair. He has a kingdom to rebuild, but one thing he never tells people is that

he hates being alone.

To Withstand the Force of Storms (A Loki Laufeyson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now