Chapter 14: Last Blues for Bloody Knuckles

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"Confidentiality is a virtue of the loyal, as loyalty is the virtue of faithfulness." –Edwin Louis Cole


Loki is mischievous. Loki likes tricks. Loki likes to fool around and joke. He likes it because it benefits his favorite person on Asgard: himself.

And that's why Annaka is following him up Mortem Mountain: to see whether he can truly do something for the good of someone else.

She's silent the whole way, not quite sure what to say after their fight the previous night. She had gone to her father's only for Loki to show up the next evening and beg her to let him show her something. She'd obliged, on the promise that this wasn't a scheme.

Loki stops in front of a cave, the very cave that Annaka had talked with Death inside of. Neither say a word until Loki sighs.

"Before I explain, I want you to promise me one thing," he starts. "Just hear me out, okay? Don't disagree or freak out until I've thoroughly explained myself."


Loki sighs again, something he seems to be getting into the habit of doing as if it describes everything he wants to say in a huff of air. He paces also, another bad habit, along with biting his knuckles and running a hand through his hair, all of which he does in a matter of moments.

Annaka takes a seat on a flat rock and crosses her legs like a child, waiting for him to start.

Loki sits next to her after a minute of his habits and squeezes her hand before letting go.

"The week after we got married, I had a breakthrough. I thought to myself, 'I know how to claim the throne once and for all'. So, I went on a journey up here. I found the correct cave and went inside, hoping for the best. I remembered Thor and I coming up here in our youth and exploring, and I also remembered the frightening encounter I'd had with Death at that time.

"During the exploration with Thor, Death told me we would meet again. I brushed it off because obviously we were going to see each other again when I died, but I knew what he really meant as I stood outside that cave months ago.

"I consulted Death and told him I had a plan. The plan was to take over Asgard and finally become the rightful king. Some flaws: Odin, the people wouldn't approve, and neither would you. So I came to Death searching for a loophole. I made a deal with him. I told him that if he wiped out the entire city, that we would rule the new Asgard together.

"At first he was excited, I think. He liked the idea of having dominion over something other than simply ending people's lives. Now he had a chance to control them in life, too. He was in. Recently, a few weeks ago, he told me he had no desire to rule with me, and that he'd rather get the dirty work done and leave me be. This made me suspicious, but I went with it nonetheless.

"To finish off the deal, I had an exception. I told Death he could kill every person in Asgard except one: you. He could have Thor, Odin, Heimdall, anyone, but not my Annaka unless she said so. And that's what's going to happen tomorrow at dusk. Death will take everyone's lives here and let us start over with different citizens and new rulers: us."

Loki finishes; Annaka sits for a long time, longer than Loki had paced and hesitated.

So Death lied to me, Annaka thinks. That's no surprise. I should've known.

"I am astonished," she finally says. "I'm amazed that you would stoop to this level for power. I really am."

Loki hangs his head slightly.

"I understand your drive for power. I know where it comes from, but to wipe out a whole civilization for this? Is it really worth it?" she asks. "Is it worth killing me to be king?"

"You won't be killed. I won't allow it."

"You said I had the choice, and I'm choosing to die with Asgard," Annaka says sorrowfully. "That's what queens do, don't they? Die for their people?"

Loki's eyes glass over and tears fall in rivets. "Annaka, please, you don't have to rule just don't let yourself die!"

"I have to," Annaka says, turning to start down the path. "Maybe then you'll learn you lesson."

Loki's first thoughts are that she's bluffing to make him change his mind, but after he realizes her vigor and seriousness, he breaks. He wants to rule, but he needs Annaka. He's torn, and he only has hours to choose.

Loki chooses Death.

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