My Replacement Husband (7) Will of the Mind

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I'd like to especially dedicate this chapter to greciajs and SuperAwesomeRockstar for being such amazing readers! I love hearing your feedback and comments, and you two along with many others have really made me a happy writer. I hope to make you proud! Also let me know what you think of this chapter for a chance to get a dedication! Regardless, I'm thankful to every single reader. <3 I write these inspired by all of you who encourage me to write. 


I shoved my hands into the pockets of my cardigan. Even though it was September in New York, the muggy humidity was at an all-time high. I didn't even bother putting on makeup until I reach the cool of the air-conditioned office because all the setting spray in the world could have kept my foundation from melting off my face.

It was like every other tired New Yorker decided right now was the time they needed to order a dozen coffees for their offices. I wondered if I should just forgo my drink in favor for the terribly watered down stuff they served at work instead. I could save a few dollars too. Kathy's wedding expenses were coming in hot, and I knew as her sister I would have to step up my gift-giving game for her bridal shower.

As I turned around to tail it back to Collection Literary Agency, I immediately slammed into. At first I was taken aback. Usually, New Yorkers didn't live up to their notorious mean-streak stereotype. A lot of them were friendly, maybe less talkative, but like any city, there was a fair share of jerks.

I was knocked off my balance because of the other person's burly physique. I looked up to apologize, but the person had already left. A frustrated sigh left my mouth as I looked at the contents of my bag spilled out, luckily my wallet and my phone were stuffed into the pockets of my jeans. The papers I had to bring in, keys, makeup bag, gum, and other miscellaneous junk that I hoarded, on the other hand, were not as lucky.

As people walked by, too indifferent or too busy (or both) to help, I knelt down to pick up my scattered items. Getting upset at the rude person who crashed into me wasn't going to help the situation. Yoona would disagree, but I decided that yelling down the street to call a stranger mean names was not a look I pulled off as well as she did.

I wanted to keep my cool. 

The wind decided to be extra aggravating today by blowing at the stack of papers that I had been too distracted to staple after last night's dinner with Ethan.

Had it been our last dinner?

I refocused on collecting the papers before they all blew into the street.

"Excuse me..." Annoyance set in when people began to step on them, leaving them crumpled and marked. I wasn't asking anyone to help me, but they certainly didn't need to antagonize my situation further.

Finally, some decent soul decided to help me pick up some of the papers. 

I didn't get a chance to look at them yet because I had more papers behind me to catch and stuff into my bag until the person stacked everything into a slightly wrinkled pile of sheets.

I looked up to thank them.


Of course, of all times I would have to run into him now.

"I saw you struggling..." he said as he offered his hand in my direction.

I hesitated. "I wasn't watching where I was going. It was my bad."

Evan frowned while still offering his hand to me. "To me, it looked like that jerk couldn't take his eyes off his phone for one second to apologize to the lady he bumped into."

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