My Replacement Husband (4) Unpleasant Assignment

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         I'd like to take this time to thank all my amazing fans, supporters of My Replacement Husband and tell you how much you guys mean to me and push me to write, improve and edit as time goes on! Now, enjoy this week's installment of My Replacement Husband!


I would be lying if I said I never thought about how Evan and I would bump into each other again. After our break up, it was actually all I thought about. New York City can feel so big and so small sometimes, especially if you run in the circle of writers and the people who work to get them published.

Back then, I was freshly out of college and just as scared about my future as the first day I came to the city. Evan and Yoona had been the backbone of the confidence and self-esteem I had built in my ability to write. They were my small circle of hope that kept pushing me to reach bigger and brighter heights, I even went as far as to send my own book to a literary agent.

"The new book I'm working on is going to be very different from my last book. Spending time in Hong Kong was amazing, and I'll always have a special place in my heart for journalism literature," Evan said after everyone had done their introductions. "While I was there I wanted to enjoy the amazing culture, the food, and the breathtaking sights and I did, but something was bothering me."

There was a way that Evan spoke that really translated into his writing, a sense of deep appreciation and passion, blended with his acute self-awareness and humility. It captivated people. It had captivated me when we were at school together and to this day it held my attention.

"I was running away from something," he said earnestly.

"I was running away from my life back home and the pain I had inflicted on others because of my inability to accept responsibility," Evan continued. "I realized I had to face life and people and own what I had done. Obviously, I'm sorry to have caused so much destruction, but this writing this book has forced me to come to terms with my toxic behavior."

Evan paused for a moment to recollect himself. "This book isn't about redemption or trying to bury the past, but I want to make amends if I can and show people what some honest-to-God self-reflection can do."

I felt my mouth go dry.

"It's a personal piece drawing from my life, especially my childhood, but it won't be a bibliography or anything like that. It's from the point of view of a married man in his mid-fifties who's estranged from his wife and children, and he realizes that he can't change his situation or his life or anything until he changes himself first," Evan explained.

Evan placed his hands on the table and leaned against them. "If you have any relationship with your parents, there's bound to be conflicts or issues or stubbornness you feel like you can't understand, and sometimes we try so hard not to be like that we forget the humanity in them too."

He smiled at us. "That's it for my pitch. Thank you for listening."

There were people in tears, some sniffling, and others just staring in awe or admiration.

That was the same response Evan always evoked, but I could tell it wasn't the same Evan I had once known.

I glanced over at Yoona who was just as surprised.

Mr. Miyza began clapping, followed in suit by everyone in the conference room, and the room roared to life.

"It's an honor to have you choose us to represent your next book," Ms. Petras said as she stood up. "Now, we're going to have a catered luncheon in the break room where you can ask Evan more questions about his upcoming book or his last book."

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