iii. Unchain The Night

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- a few days later -

~ Kay's POV ~

The dreaded day was finally here: the day that I was going to meet with my parents. I hated myself for ever agreeing to this, especially after the way they had treated me when I left home. I had no intentions of ever going back and I had enough support from my new friends to never have to. Yet, here I was waiting at a restaurant for them to show up.

Nikki was waiting at the table with me as my heart pounded nervously. I stressed out about what kinds of questions they were going to ask me, about what they were going to ask Nikki. Nikki was a charmer to girls like me, but to people like my dad, I was terrified to see how that would go over.

I took a deep breath and looked to Nikki for comfort and he squeezed my hand that he was holding underneath the table.

"It's okay, hun," Nikki said softly. "They're your parents, how bad can they be?"

"I have no idea," I said as soon as I spotted them through the window. My heart beat faster and I started to feel my other hand tremble under the table.

Nikki and I were still kind of fighting about what happened with Vince the other night. I had apologized over and over again, but he didn't want to hear it. I don't even think it was the fact that I slept with him or anything, I think Nikki was so worried that I was falling for Vince more than I was falling for him. Even though Vince was a great partner for the night, he didn't make me feel anything close to how Nikki does. I told him that he had nothing to worry about and that I only loved him, but I guess he had a hard time hearing it and believing that for himself.

"Arthur and Melanie are their names?" Nikki asked softly as my parents approached the table and I nodded, smiling to them politely before they sat down.

"Kay, it's so good to see you honey," my mom said before sitting down at the table with Nikki and I. My dad didn't say a word and readily sat down next to my mom, glaring the two of us down from across the table. "Arthur, doesn't she look nice?" My mom asked innocently with a smile.

"She does," my dad said to me out of the corner of his mouth, not looking up from the menu that was lying in front of him. I worriedly turned to Nikki as he gripped my hand tighter under the table and I smiled at him in response. I was so glad to have him on my side with all of this; I couldn't imagine doing it alone.

We all sat in heavy silence until we put our orders in, our food arriving a little while later.

"So, it's nice to finally meet you, Nikki," my mom said politely, trying her best to be kind to him for my sake. She gave me a delicate smile and I returned it, deeply thanking her for making the effort to accept us as a couple.

"Nice to meet you too, Melanie," Nikki said with his most charming smile on his face. I moved my foot so that it was right next to his and he moved his closer to mine.

"Arthur, aren't you going to say anything?" My mother pressed, looking to my dad. He still hadn't spoken a word if he wasn't asked to, and he barely even looked at any of us.

"No," he said firmly, glaring to me from across the table. I felt a pit grow in my stomach as I saw how harsh his expression now was. I really wasn't his little girl anymore.

"C'mon, you can't just sit there," my mother insisted again, nudging my father's arm.

"I'm not going to sit here and play nice when this degenerate ran away with our daughter, Melanie!" My father started to shout, heads turning all around the restaurant. His face was now a deep shade of red as he yelled and pointed his finger directly at Nikki.

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