i. Innonence Gone

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~ Kay's POV ~

"Just tell me you'll think about it," the man with long black hair said, sitting next to me. He held a cigarette between his fingers and the smoke drizzled out and into the open air.

"You're leaving tomorrow, Nikki," I said, shaking my head and crossing my arms.

"That's plenty of time for you to think," he said before taking another puff from his cigarette.

I sighed and took a look around me, wondering how exactly I got myself into this situation. It's actually quite simple: I let myself fall in love again.

I met Nikki a couple of months ago when his band was playing one of their shows in town. They played here a lot actually, it was the Sunset Strip after all. And Mötley Crüe seemed to be ruling it.

- flashback -

We met in the same way that most people at shows do, in a hardly-classy fashion in the back of some small venue, and then a quick goodbye for the night. I couldn't stop thinking about him after, though, and apparently he couldn't stop thinking about me either.

We ran into each other again a couple of nights after, and to my surprise, he actually remembered me. I will never forget the smile he gave me, his white teeth gleaming at me and making me immediately smile back. We were at the bar and the band was just leaving from their set that night.

"It's Kay, right?" He asked, approaching me with confidence and stature.

"I'm surprised that you remembered," I said, blushing a little at the thought of him remembering my name. Although, it would be pretty hard to forget the kinds of things that we did together the other night.

"Hard to forget," he said suavely, moving around to the side of me and putting his arm around me. "Feel like spending the night with me, babe?"

I didn't even have to respond before he drug me out of the dingy club, the biggest smile on my face.

From that day on, I couldn't think of anything else other than his voice..his smile...his touch. He had me completely wrapped around his finger. And I didn't even care if I was going to get hurt. It all felt like it would be worth it to me.

- a week ago -

"You live in my house," my dad started, his face growing red with anger. "I don't want you out all night doing heaven knows what."

"Oh, Arthur," my mother said. "She's an adult, you can't be so harsh with her."

"If she wants to live here," my dad said, raising his voice. "She has to respect me!"

"I'm trying daddy," I said, saddened by the words coming out of my father's mouth.

We had all always gotten along so well. We were a small family and it was easy to stay close to one another. Or, at least, it was that way until I started growing up. My dad hated the idea of me going to bars and meeting guys, and he didn't even know what else was going on.

"I know you've been going around with that degenerate from that band you like so much," he continued, shaking his head. "He's no good for my daughter, no good!"

"You've never even met him," I pleaded. "I love him, daddy."

"I don't need to meet him," he said, getting more angry by the second. "You can't love someone you've hardly known, Kay."

"She's young," my mother pleaded, trying to take my side. "And she's in love, even if it's with that rocker boy. She needs her father."

"I'm not letting her run off with him!" He shouted, now yelling at my mother. "Young lady, if you think you can just go off with some boy you barely even know, you're an idiot!"

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