The one where MJ knew the Avengers before Peter. ( No Spoilers)

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Michelle Jones is a very reserved person. She likes keeping things to herself. Which also means she has plenty of secrets. This one just happens to be a coincidence....

The first avenger MJ ever met was not Spider-Man ( He's not even an actual avenger...) But instead... it was Clint Barton. Aka Hawkeye.

MJ's father was a policeman, so he taught her many self defence skills before he passed. MJ soon learned to carry weapons on her body daily.

A dagger in each of her boots, a miniature bottle of pepper spray in her belt and a black belt in karate.

It was good having these skills when someone tried to steal from her. Being observant came in handy pretty often, but sometimes you get too observant....

MJ was walking home from school one day after middle school. Her Mom had to finish some things at work and couldn't pick her up. So she held the bottle of pepper spray in her palm and listened closely to her surroundings.

She couldn't hear footsteps . But she could smell an odour that smelled suspiciously like blood. So she walked slower than her usual pace until the person was right behind her and spun. The can of pepper spray right in front of the person's face.

" Woah! Calm down!" The guy called out. One hand above his face and the other on the gun strapped to his belt.

" Why are you following me?" MJ interrogated. Curious in why he was covered in bloods that didn't seem to be his.

The man stood defensively. " I'm not. I'm trying to get home. In case you didn't know, this is a narrow sidewalk, there is traffic and your walking incredibly slow." The guy explained.

MJ's cheeks heated up. Retracting her hand and putting her bottle of pepper spray in the pocket of her coat. " Sorry... I would shake your hand but I don't want to get blood on myself."

The man laughed. "No problem. You know, you would make a good spy... how did you know I was behind you?"

MJ explained how she smelt the blood on his attire, as well and being a black belt in karate.

" Well I have to go, best if I get this blood of me. Here, call me if you ever want to make a living off smelling people." The man handed her a card and left.

So MJ continued her walk home and sat on her bed. Took out the price of paper in her pocket and read the information.

Clint Barton " Hawkeye"
S.H.I.E.L.D agent. Level 10

She widened her eyes. She almost sprayed an avenger with pepper spray.

She took on Clint's offer. But not entirely. She wanted him to train her more on Spy stuff and hand to hand combat. But she didn't have interest in actually becoming a spy.

So Clint and her made an arrangement to meet up every Saturday at 3 at the avengers compound.

Eventually, she met Natasha. Aka Black Widow. She admits. She did fangirl a little bit.

2 years later, they were still meeting up. But MJ was a fast learner. So she had the honour to join Clint and Natasha on some of the easier missions. Courtesy of Nick Fury. Who she also met. His cat was cute too.

Now 16, she was walking into the Avengers compound and went to straight through with no problem. Taking the private elevator to the 57th floor. Straight to the private training rooms.


While on the 72nd floor, Natasha and Clint were about to head down to meet with MJ. When they were interrupted by Peter Parker. Tony's personal intern. Aka Spider-Man. Natasha stayed back to grab a few things while Clint headed down first.

When Natasha was walking towards the elevators, Peter asked what they did every Saturday.

" Well, we train with a kid around your age. She's quite the fighter. I think you'll like her. You wanna check it out?"

And Peter, of course agreed.

They headed down to the training room booked by the assassins and Natasha led Peter through the sliding glass door.

Peter looked up to see a girl around his age fighting with Hawkeye. Both without weapons, and the teenager seemed to be winning. She grabbed onto Clint's forearms and used the momentum to swing swing her body to his left and wrapped her legs around his neck. Slamming him onto the mat.

She stood up and smiled. Then turned around to see her... boyfriend?

" Peter?" MJ asked confused. " What are you doing here?"

Peter on the other hand was frozen still. He just saw his girlfriend beat Hawkeye in hand to hand combat...

Natasha hit the back of his head to. To break him from his trance. "Oh.... this is Peter."

MJ, still confused was confused even more. " I never told you I knew a Peter." She told Natasha, crossing her arms as Clint got up from the mat.

" MJ, you might be amazing at this stuff, but you learnt from the best." Clint laughed out. Combing his hand through his sweaty hair.

MJ sighed and realised Peter was still looking at her with the look of confusion plastered on his face.

"It's a long story."

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