Fizzled Out

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It was eight thirty. I turned off my light and stared into the darkness.

I must have dropped off to sleep because I awoke coughing and spluttering for air. Flames flickered in every direction and the air was thick with smoke. I could hear sirens and voices from outside but my head felt heavy and I couldn't see a thing. I just managed to remember what the teachers at school had said about fires. 'Drop to the floor and crawl to the door'. I did just that - I was nearly there, I could almost reach the handle but just as I was about to, the carpet went up in flames and I did too.

When I did wake up from my sleep, I was no longer at home. I was in a small room, in an uncomfortable bed. The walls around me were gleaming white so they hurt my delicate eyes but I managed to squint and make out the people around me. There was a man in a white coat holding a clip-board and my family. Lots of complicated equipment hung about my bed too but I ignored it as best as I could.

"What happened?" I asked in a croaky and sore voice.

"There was a fire sweetie," whispered Mum with sympathy.

On the other side of the room, I managed to make out a policeman walking over to my father. In a loud voice, so that I couldn't help overhearing, he stated "I'm afraid to inform you that this fire is being treated as suspicious."

I could tell my mum had been trying not to cry but this time she gave in and wept big, wet tears. I then reached out to hold her hand but noticed I had scolded skin wrapped in cling-film like an Egyptian mummy. All of a sudden a flashback started to replay over and over again in my head.

'I'm reaching for the door handle, I'm nearly there... but the fire gets the better of me and a searing pain rushes through my poor, tired, fizzled out body."

I cannot move as my burns restrict movement and send shockwaves all over my body but I manage to look over at the nearby window and looking in, is a man with a scarred face and a lighter. Flicking the lid open, shut, open, shut.

I swear I've seen him somewhere before........

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