Danger. . .

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"Olly? Can you come over? I'm scared. I think that David is going to do something bad to me." I whispered into the phone in a shaky voice. My hands were trembling. Oliver was the only person that I felt safe around other than my mom. He has always protected me.

"I'm on my way baby girl. Stay in your room until I get there. Don't go downstairs. Promise me you won't go downstairs for anything?" he sounded so worried about me when I was more worried about what David would do to him of he found him in the house. I can't put Oliver at risk. Not again. Last time he got hurt.

"Olly wait! Don't come here. Meet me at the lake next to our tree. Please Olly don't come here. I'm climbing out my window and will meet you there. I promise I won't go out the door." at this point I was balling my eyes out hoping that Oliver would listen to me. I really didn't want him to get hurt. I knew that he could protect himself but when it came to protecting me he would stop at nothing. He could get himself killed and I would feel like I was to blame for it.

"It's too late. I'm already here. I'm right by your window so come over to it and I promise that I will catch you. You can trust me baby girl. I will always be here for you." his sweet words always sent shivers down my spine. I always had a crush on Olly but I never told him because I was pretty sure he only thought of me as his sister. He always had the overprotective big brother macho outlook when it came to me. I looked out my window and saw him looking up at me and it made me blush at his intense eyes looking out at me. I swung my legs over the side and started sliding down a little bit and then I felt myself slip. I knew not to scream. . .my shoe slipped one last time and then I fell. I awaited to feel the thud of me hitting the solid cold ground. It never came though. I opened my eyes and saw that Oliver had caught me. He said he would always catch me. I smiled. That's when the very bad thing happened. My step dad must have heard us. Oliver set me down and put me behind him. Protecting me again. "Baby girl, I want you to run and call 911 for me. Don't look back, okay?"

*flashback ends*

"Isabel!!!! Are you home?!?!" I heard my awful dreadful step dad yell from downstairs that snapped me out of my flashback of the good ol days. I did the thing I always did when he was home; locked the door and hid under my bed so he couldn't get to me. He hardly ever broke down the door to get to me. He only ever did that when he was really drunk and pissed off. Most of my days were filled with just sitting in my room staring at the ceiling or the wall thinking about nothing.

I grabbed my headphones from my bed and plugged them into my ipod touch and blasted Avenged Sevenfold 'Nightmare' to keep his voice from entering my mind. The less I heard his voice the better. Sleep overtook me once again and I fell into my nightmares.

The sounds of wolves howling in the distance made me look around at my surroundings. Where was I? What was this place? It was like I was in my own phantasmagoria. Leaves were floating around in the air like they were held by someone powerful. How could they be floating in air? Is there someone else here with me in this dream? Shall I rephrase nightmare. This can't be a happy dream. It has to be a nightmare.

Sweat dripping off my forehead and shivers going down my spine. I woke up in a puddle of sweat with a frantic look on my face. What is this life? I walked into the bathroom dizzily and grabbed my razzor. Time to feel the pain as Augustus Waters would say in The Fault In Our Stars Pain demands to be felt.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2017 ⏰

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