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A whooshing winter breeze hit the tip of my nose and made me shiver at the feeling. Why would that boy show me his cuts? Why did he let me cry and hold me? Is this boy dangerous? Should I be concerned for my life? What do I do? Millions of thoughts were running through my mind since the encounter with that boy. He seemed awfully friendly for a new kid who showed up to the town of Dark River. Don't let the name fool you. It's exactly like it sounds. Dark. No new commer has come to Dark River since my family. It's been years since someone new has come here. So I am somewhat cautious of my surroundings and the people in this town. It used to be a good town filled with laughter and joy. That all changed 3 years ago when. . .*bang* What was that noise? Don't look back. Keep walking. Almost home.

"hhhheyyyy yyyoouuu." a slurred voice said behind me. Great a drunk guy. Just what I need. Keep walking. He won't catch up to you. Strange drunk guys wondering down streets..not something that you want to turn around and see or stop for. Especially if they recognize who I am. I could get in so much trouble. I heard the footsteps getting closer. How was that possible? He's drunk. Speed walk. Faster. He won't catch you. You're almost home.

Finally home. I walked into the house making sure to check everywhere. Make sure no one is home. I walked to the refrigerator. Ah. Nice cold beer. I grabbed it and some chips and went up to my room. Some days I drink a beer because my day is just too much and I need one. I hardly ever drink. I had a bad day. I mean I always have bad days but this one was worse. It's been awhile since I had a nightmare that felt that real.

I heard a creaking of a door that sounded a lot like the back door. What the hell? Who could that be? I looked over at the time and it read 8:30 pm. Who could that be at this hour in the night? I took a swig off my beer and then set it down and walked downstairs quietly. Thinking back this was the first time anything interesting ever happened in this house. Nothing ever happened here. It had me thinking of the new kid in town and what if he had something to do with it. What if he was downstairs? What would I do? What could I do? All I was, was a frail frightened little girl who was scared of her own shadow. I was at the last step at the end of the stairs and for the first time in 3 years I actually screamed. I could not believe my eyes. . .what was in front of me was. . .


"Isabel! Get down here right this instant!" I heard David (my step dad) yell. What did he want now? Scratch that. What did I do now? He always tells me it's my fault for everything. Might as well just not even argue about it. Who am I kidding? It's always his fault. Better go see what his highness wants.

I ran downstairs to see what he wanted and right when I entered I wish I hadn't. He was there with three of his buddies. My mom was at work so there was no one to turn to. I could call my best friend Oliver but my phone was upstairs and they would definitely beat me to it. What you don't know about David is that he is a royal asshole. Don't get me wrong he's a totally different person when my mom is around. He's the nicest guy around my mom. But when it comes to him and I. Well let's just put it this way we don't exactly see eye to eye. He always pulls the if you tell your mother card that it'll break her heart. Oh you might ask what awful thing does David make me do with him and his friends? He makes me wait on them hand and foot. Sometimes if I don't do it right he beats me. I've gone to school with a black eye before and people called me a slut.

*end of flashback*

Tears were streaming down my face and I felt like my chest was going to explode at the pressure of how fast my heart was beating. How could this happen? Why now? I was looking in front of me written in blood on the back door read:

I'm coming for you. Don't think I've forgotten you princess.

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