The beginning

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Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Splash! A puddle of blood forming. The cuts were pretty deep this time and the sad part is I like to inflict pain on myself. It pleasures me. I don't have any friends...not anymore. No one bothers to befriend "the freak". The deeper I cut myself shows the pain others inflict on me by just calling me names and by the looks they give me. I have no reason to live, yet I somehow still am alive. I grab some gauze and wrap it around the cuts and went to my room to get dressed for school. Yay. Note sarcasm. School makes me feel awful...the people there always whisper about me behind my back. They act as though I can't hear what they say about me. I grab my book bag and quietly make my way down the stairs and I make it to the door and I run until I know I am safe. I see the school and it looks so close, so close that I think that I can make it. I'm so focused on making my way to school that I don't hear the rustling of the bush until too late. No screams leave me at least none that I remember. I open my eyes and I don't see anything  that looks familiar. This has been happening for as long as I can remember. Memories they keep fading away. Why is this happening to me? Did I do something to make someone want to torture me to death?  Is this punishment for every wrong thing I ever did? No. Wake up. You're dreaming. This cannot be happening.

"Isabel? Miss James please wake up this is high school not kindergarden!" I opened my eyes for real and saw a lot of eyes looking at me. Why do I keep having these nightmares? I know cutting is bad but how could doing that cause me to have nightmares? What ever this is I'll figure it out and when I do I'll be ready for the inevitable. I sat back in my chair watching the teacher sqwalk about boring unappealing things. I hear the classroom door open and in walks a boy. He's tall, has long black hair, his eyes are blue, his shirt has my favorite bad Black Veil Brides on it, He's pale and has a scar on his neck. I wonder what that's from. I listen for the teacher to introduce him to the class so I can hear his name. "Class this is Ashton Parker. He's new so make him feel welcome. Asher why don't you sit next to Isabel in the back." Oh shit. She knows never to have anyone sit next to me...she must think this guy is just as "freaky" as me. He walked slowly to the back of the classroom to take his seat next to me. I never speak to anyone I just nod or shake my head. This new guy won't change me. He won't change my ways. I put in my headphones like it was just another day and there wasn't anything new. I felt his eyes burning a hole in the side of my face. I had half a mind to look over at him and ask him what the hell is problem is. I didn't really want to do that because that would require me talking and I've gone most of these years not talking. Why start changing my ways now? I felt a small tap on my shoulder so I turned and looked and it the new kid. Once his hand came in contact with my arm I felt this jolt of electricity go through my body. I was frozen and he lifted up my sleeve and it was too late for me to do anything. He saw my cuts. My ugly scars. My shame. My everything. When his eyes met mine they didn't hold pity they held understanding. How could this boy possibly know the pain I go through everyday? He lifted up his own sleeve and he almost had identical scars to mine. Finally someone who understands. Tears welled up in my eyes. Why? How could our lives be this bad? I looked at him and he wrapped his arms around me and let me cry my eyes out. Usually at this time I excuse myself to go to the bathroom to go cut and cry my eyes out in there. This time was different I felt like I could tell this total stranger my whole life story. For once in my life I felt like I could actually trust someone. That really scared me. I felt the boys arms move away from me which caused me to whimper. What the hell? I saw that students were leaving class so I got up and sprinted out the door. Away from the strange boy.


"Isabel dinner's ready!! Come get it while it's hot!" mom yelled from downstairs. She knew I would be down right away cause I love her cooking. I ran downstairs and was welcomed with the smell of my moms homemade lasagna. It must be a special occasion. She hardly ever makes lasagna. I'm not complaining I love her lasagna.

"Hi Mom! It smells so good! Whats the occasion this time?" I walked up to her kissing her on the cheek and walking towards the fridge to grab my orange soda. I sat down at the table and looked up at my mom. Memorizing everything about her. Her gorgeous long brown hair. Her flawless skin. One thing to know about my mom is she never needed to wear makeup because her skin was just perfect. Her hypnotic blue eyes. My mom to me was the most beautiful woman on the planet.

"Hey Izzy! No occasion just wanted to make lasagna tonight for the two of us. Then may be you and I can cuddle up and watch a movie." she said looking at me smiling. She had the dazzling smile. If my mom ever smiled at anyone they always smiled back even they didn't want to, they did. Her smile just had that affect on people. Did she just say two of us?

"What about David?" I asked my confused because for the past couple of weeks he has always joined us for dinner. You must wonder who David is. Well he's my moms new husband. My step father. I never call him dad. Two reasons why. One he told me never to call him that. Always call him David or Dave. Two I wouldn't call him that cause he could never replace my father.

"He won't be joining us this evening. He has to work late. So let's make the best of it. We'll watch some movies and talk about girl stuff." my mom sounded excited but at the same time I could tell that she didn't like the fact that David wasn't going to be joining us. So I did what all good daughters do. I cheered her up. I put on my big happy smile and we talked about everything.

*end of flashback*

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