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I was just walking through the darkness of my own dreamless sleep.

I could probably force myself to dream but somehow I feel like that dream would warp into an out of control nightmare so just wandering the lonely darkness of my sleep seems like a much better option in my opinion.

One bad thing was I'd stumble across a memory of someone.

"We're dating," both myself and Shikamaru said in unison. Asuma sat in silence, blinking a few times before jerking forward, across the table in surprise.

"No way!" he exclaimed, "really?"

"Yes," I laughed at his reaction.

"Wow..." he fell back in his seat, "good for you Shikamaru. You got yourself a great girl."

We shared a smile before returning our attention to the jounin who was getting up.

"Come on," he grabbed my arm, pulling both me and Shikamaru out of the booth and then out the restaurant, down the street and to a shop, "wait here."

We did as we were told and watched as Asuma disappeared into the shop before reappearing with a small wooden box about the same size as both of his palm next to each other.

"I had these made for my first student to get a girlfriend, boyfriend or a fiancé that I did actually like," Asuma started before opening the box to reveal two leather bracelets wrapped around a piece of foam. He pulled one out and passed it to me and then pulled the other out and passed it to Shikamaru. He tucked the box into his bag and then grabbed both our hands with the bracelets in and pulled them close together.

On Shikamaru's was 'lo' and on mine was 've'. When they were together it said 'velo' which annoyed Asuma and made us cross our arms so it made 'love'.

"It's cheesy as hell but it's a little gift from me, to you," he told us with a shy smile. We looked at him surprised before smiling, I gave Asuma a small hug before stepping away.

"Thanks," we both said, Shikamaru was looking away with a hint of pink dusting his cheeks which started Asuma's relentless teasing.


Ah, when we told Asuma about us dating. I wish I could see his reaction over and over again.


"Please Shikamaru, it doesn't matter now, does it? Even though I quit... I want one last smoke," Asuma said. I managed to force myself to my feet and walked over to the other chunin and started to heal Izumo and Kotetsu as Shikamaru lit a cigarette for Asuma.

When I finished healing them I just stood next to Izumo and watched his final moments.

The cigarette fell out his mouth and we all knew he was gone. The rain started pouring and Ino fell forward and hugged him as they cried. Shikamaru stood up though.

He started muttering something about hating cigarettes and that the smoke always burned his eyes and made them water. He was crying.


And then his death.

Seeing the memory just angered me.

I failed to protect my comrades. It not only hurt those I loved but it ripped him away from his child and Kurenai.


"Y/n?" my father called me.

"Father? I thought you were at the market..." I looked at my father as he walked into our little apartment we were renting while staying in the land of wind. Gaara was sat next to me, hovering on a little cloud of sand.

What A Drag... || Shikamaru x readerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora