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Jack Avery

Corbyn didn't leave Daniel's side all week.But I knew Daniel enjoyed it.I don't know if Daniel knew why Corbyn was so close to him all of a sudden but I knew he enjoyed it.But I knew why.

Corbyn was jealous.He felt the need to protect Daniel.

I didn't hear what Jonah said, but I know it was probably something about Daniel that got into the blond's nerves.I remembered the las time he was like this, it was in 5th grade and it was also thanks to Jonah.

Throwback (still Jack's POV)

I watched as Jonah tried to take Daniel's apple juice.I could see Dani struggling, since the other boy was bigger and stronger than him.When Jonah finally got the apple juice he threw it to the ground and laughed.I could see tear forming on Daniel's beautiful eyes.

Corbyn, who was a few seats away finally noticed what happened.He got up with a furious expression and hands turned into fists.He went up to Jonah, grabbed him by the hem of his shirt and pulled him up.

He growled something to him, but in such a voice so only Jonah and maybe Daniel could hear.When he left him go he grabbed Daniel's hands and took him were he was seated, placing the blue eyed one on his lap and giving him his apple juice.

But now he was more protective, growling or giving mean looks every time Jonah passed by.

Jonah didn't make things better, all he did when Corbyn growled or stared at him was smirk at Daniel and maybe even wink, making the blond bring Daniel closer, while the blue eyed boy told him not to worry, that Jonah wouldn't get near them.

I know all of this because I watch, all the time.

But, today it looked like Corbyn had enough.Today, at science class, the teacher and Corbyn had a talk outside, leaving Daniel "alone" and "unprotected".Seeing this, Jonah took his chance and started flirting with Daniel.This one ignored him, looking straight forward.Jonah didin't like this and decided to smashed the smaller to the wall, whispering in his ear.Daniel tried not to show any emotion, but I could see the nervous and disgusted look on his face.

Just then, Corbyn entered, looking straight towards Daniel.The youngest looked at the blond with a pleading look, wanting nothing but to get out of Jonah's grip.

Corbyn instantly snapped.Hard.

His bored look turned into a serious one.His jaw tightened and his hands turned into fists, so hard his knuckles turned white.He let out a furious sound before moving.He paced towards the pair and immediately took Jonah off Daniel.Next thing I know, Jonah was against the wall.

Corbyn started growling something at Jonah, something I couldn't really hear.It went kinda like:"..:him.......you'll get...mine....warned you."All through Corbyn's talk Jonah didn't look at him, looking too afraid to meet his eye.Corbyn slowly but firmly let go, while Jonah's expression relaxed.Corbyn quickly shoved him to the wall again, whispering a last thing to him.It was probably a question, since all Jonah did was nod several times.

Corbyn finally let go, going towards Daniel and engulfing in a hug.Daniel buried his face in the blonds neck, thanking him.All Corbyn did was hug him tighter, seeming like he didn't wanna let go.At this point everybody was awing at the pair, me included.The bell rang and everybody exited the room, walking towards the cafeteria.

I waited for the pair outside and my heart melted at what I saw when I looked in side the classroom.There was just them both left, standing face to face.Corbyn was caressing the youngest' cheek while whispering something to him with a bright smile on his face.The other boy was listening, cheeks as red as tomatoes.I must had tripped over something because suddenly I was on the floor in a loud BANG.

Both their heads instantly snapped towards me.When they noticed it was me and what had happened, they bursted out of laughing getting redder than they already were.I joined them, also finding it funny.When we finished I was the first one to speak."Hello there.You caught me trying to mop the floor with my curls."Daniel left out a giggle while Corbyn looked at me with a knowing face."You're not good at lying, big guy."I shook my head, letting out a small laugh.

A few minutes later we were sitting in the cafeteria with Zach and Gabbie, laughing at a joke I told.All of a sudden the room was silent and a familiar annoying voice spoke up, loudly and confidently."Hey, Besson, I want to make a deal."Corbyn looked back, rolling his eyes and responding back in a funny but sarcastic way."And what would that deal be, Mr,Marais?Do you want to get beaten up again?Or maybe you want to beg for my forgiveness?"A few laughs were heard over the room, quickly shut down by the rest.

"Actually, I wanted to fight you, for Daniel.If you win I'll leave you both alone.If I win I'll have Daniel.Just for me."Everybody gasped while Corbyn laughed."So you want me to beat you up"Now everybody laughed.Jonah stared at him."I'm serious, Besson."Corbyn sighed and shook his head."No."

They were a couple of shocked gasps, but I saw it coming.Well, me, Gabbie and Zach.We all knew how much he cares for Daniel,He wouldn't risk him on a fight.

Even when we all knew he would win.

"No?"at this point Jonah was frowning."And why not, Besson?"

"Because he isn't an object, Jonah.We don't decide what he does or with who, it's him who makes that decisions.Plus, I don't want to embarrass you in front of everybody.Wouldn't like to hurt your pretty face."He smirked at the end.They were a few cheers, a few claps, a few laughs and a few aws.All of them approving or agreeing with Corbyn's speech.

Corbyn got up, bowed, threw some kisses and at down.All of this with a bright smile.Oh how I wished I had a Corbyn.

Corbyn returned to the table, getting engulfed in a group hug.We pulled away and I was the first one to speak,"That was amazing, bro!You didin't even have to touch him to embarrass him!"We all laughed and everybody congratulated him.The last one to do it was Daniel, who looked as pleased and happy as everybody else.

He kissed the blond's cheek and thank him in a quiet voice.The oldest blushed.I really don't understand how he can turn so quick from everybody's hero to a blushing mess because of his "friend".

The rest of the day went on calm, and I went to sleep
with a sad, last thought.

I'm so gonna third wheel on tomorrow's sleepover.

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Wow this is the longest chapter so far.By the way, should I add Jachary to this story?Or na?I really don't know:/Welp I'll try to update soon.I might do a double update and all :)))


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