Party Au

429 14 6

New Zealand's POV

I hate my life.

Instead of studying and actually doing something worthy of my time, I'm instead attending a party that my now ex-best friend, Mathew, has invited me to. By inviting I mean repeatedly asking me to come with him because he doesn't want to be alone and appear like a loser, but he doesn't need my help to look like one.


That might be a bit harsh, but he did just leave me stranded when he promised not to. I hate any social gathering automatically and this party is no exception.

"Enjoying the party?"

Ugh, socialising.

Standing in front of me looked like a standard jock type of guy with an athletic build, spiky brown hair, bright green eyes and a laidback smile on his face. He had tanned skin and a band aid placed randomly on the middle of his nose. He seemed to be wearing a diggers uniform with brown boots to match.

"I'd rather be at home than stay and watch idiots get drunk off cheap booze."

"Says the bloke who's standing near the table of beer."

"But, I'm not drunk am I? You can tell I'm sober because I hate this party."

A smirk appeared on what I'm assuming to be the Australians face.

"What crawled up your ass and died?"

Rolling my eyes at the failed jab, I begin listing the thousands of problems with the party from the lack of actual food to the terrible decorations in the house. I'd say the rant lasted about 10 minutes max until the traitor of the century finally arrived and told me that the person I was speaking to was...

The party host.


I stared at the host with wide eyes and instantly felt myself began to have a panic attack, I was mentally making the longest of list of apologies when-

"It's all good mate, truth is I only had this party to piss of the neighbour next door. He's one of those classy cunts that have a stick up his arse 24/7."

I laughed at his description of his neighbour and began silently listening to his story of his war with the English man. It was actually pretty hilarious and it helped me come up with ideas to get back at my Canadian roommate.

"Do you think you could possibly... I dunno cover my friend's bed in spiders? And snakes? And pretty much every animal in Australia?"

The man laughed and held out his hand for me to shake.

"Only if we catch up again soon aye?"

"Sounds fair."

I reached over and shook his hand. We smiled  and kind of stared at each other for a while. It was quite a peaceful moment.

I remember vaguely hearing Mathew in the background sick, groaning for help.

He can suffer for a while longer.

Australia x New Zealand Oneshots (OzNz)Where stories live. Discover now