Caught Pt2

826 20 7

3rd Person POV
"Neeeeeeeeeeeeeewssssss, about... the um... i-interesting f-f-front door!!! BYE!!!"
The American quickly sprinted out the room embarrassed, having thought he interrupted something "important".

"It's not what it looks like!!!" Yelled the small kiwi. His face was entirely red and had quickly jumped off the Australian when Alfred had left.

"It's exactly what it looks like!!!" Shouted the Australian, who also got up and had wrapped an arm around his blushing companion. Jett grinned slyly when an idea had popped into his head.
"Hey Zea, now that we're properly alone..."
"Let's fuck."

A chocked off noise came from Aotearoa, his face turning in even darker shade of red. He let himself be carried onto the bed with Australia in between his legs. The room started to get hotter, air filled with tension, Jett slowly lowering himself down-

"Listen you two, America claimed to have seen you both having se- Ohhhh...."

England was halfway through the door when he looked up from his book. Freezing completely, when noticing what was happening and was quick to walk out the room while blushing madly.
"Maybe I should lock the door from now on, aye?"

A loud thwack could be heard from the room.

"I'll take that as a yes."

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