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Wattpad for beginners

Please leave questions in the comments boxes below and I will write them up here and answer them!


Q.1 Are there any other ways of chatting if you don't use your inbox or meebo?

A.1 No.

Q.2 Can you edit all things (cast, dedication etc.) as many times as you like and whenever you want?

A.2 Yes.

Q.3 I put the tag 'onedirection' in, but when I looked 'onedirection' up in discover, it wasn't the first book to appear! Why is that?

A.3 Because there are other people who have put 'onedirection' in their tags. The order of the books then, is determined by newness and popularity and the other tags.

Q.4 How do you stop notifications from Wattpad?

A.4 See chapter 'Wattpad Basics- How to edit your profile'

Q.5 How do you change your profile picture?

A.5 See chapter 'Wattpad Basics- How to edit your profile'

Q.6 Can you vote more than once on a chapter?

A.6 No, you cannot vote more than once on a chapter in your book or other peoples books.

Q.7 Can you vote on your own book?

A.7 Yes.

Q.8 When you read your own book, does your read count as a read?

A.8 The first time you read the chapter it will count as a read. Although you and just you, who wrote the book, cannot read the chapter again and make the 'read' tab go up by one because you just read it. It will only work once for the person who wrote the book.

Q.9 If you did not write the book, can you 'read' a book more than once and make the amount of reads go up?

A.9 Yes you can make the amount of reads on that chapter go up more than once.

Q.10 Can you change your multimedia for each chapter?

A.10 Yes, you can.

Q.11 What is the limited number of chapters you can make on your book?

A.11 No one has reached the maximum before and thet was more than 100 parts or so. If you do get to the limit (asuming there even is one) just put a chapter with another chapter and put them together so that they are only one chapter instead of two!

Q.12 What is the limited amount of pages you can make in a chapter?

A.12No one has reached the maximum before and that was around 50 parts or so. If you do get to the limit (asuming there is one) You can just split your chapter into two chapters. If having two chapters doesn't work just put "To Be Continued" at the end of the first chapter of the two, and if you want you could also tell them that it is only because there is a page limit.

Q.13 How do you know how many reads, reviews and comments I have on my book?

A.13 Go to your profile page and scroll down to 'My Works' find the book you want to know the amount of votes/comments/reads on and look below. The amount of votes should be writen next to a star. The amount of reads is just on the left of votes and the amount of comments/reviews is to the right of the amount of votes.

Q.14 Can you look at a book without making get a 'read'?

A.14 As soon as you look at any chapter of even get a glimse of it, the book automatically gets one read. If your computer is slow and the book doesn't show up before you click on something else, it will still count as a read because you just loaded the page of that chapter.

Q.15 Can you take a book off your reading list?

A.15 Yes, see chapter "How to edit your reading list"

Q.16 What are some websites that are good for making book covers?

A.16 Some good websites are: Piclit and Microsoft word. See chapter "How to make a book cover" for more details.

Q.16 Can you found out who has been reading your book?

A.16 No you can't. You only know the people who have added their book to your reading list. You can also know if a person has read it if they made a vote. To know if a person has made a vote recently on your book, you can go to their profile and your book should be under "Recent Votes" on their profile page. This is the only way you will know that.

Q.17 Can you un-fan someone?

A.17 Yes you can. To un-fan someone you need to go to their profle page and scroll down towards the bottom of the page. Under this persons "recent comments" (which is on the bottom right hand side of the page) you will see a blue button reading "remove me from fans" with a little golden star to the left of it. Simply click this button and go to your own porfile page. You have now un-faned this person!

Q.18 What's the little green bar at the top of the screen?

A18 The little green bar signals an estimate of how long it will take you to finish that page. When you move your mouse on it the predicted amount of minutes will appear and as you reach the end of the chapter the closer the bar will get to the right hand of the screen.

Please leave questions in the comments boxes below and I will write them up here and answer them!