Chapter 7

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Monday Morning

"Oh yay" I mumbled to myself as I pulled into the parking lot of our school, as I saw the 'jocks', more like fat farmers who play football, pummeling a little kid with chunks of asphalt crumbling out of the road.

I, not being quite on their radar, parked my car, locked it, and walked quickly to the school. "Hey!" one of them shouted just before I left the parking lot "what?!" I yelled back, just before one of them nearly took my head off with a handful of asphalt and rocks "where do you think you're going?!" another one of them asked "what's it look like you dumbass?!" I yelled back just before they grabbed me and hauled me back to their trucks. This is going to be 'fun', I thought to myself, until a hand grabbed one of their heads and threw him into another car, and slid down it.

"Is there a problem?" The owner of the hand asked "I don't know, is there?" I asked, causing the others to let me go and walk to the school. "Hi, my name's Matt, I'm new here, what's yours?" I found myself unable to speak, so I just kinda stammered my name and shook his hand. "I'll take that as a thank you, come on, I help you clean up" he said "yeah, sure, thanks, my name's Rick" once we walked into the school, half of the students just stood there, the other half just ran to their classes in what I assume was fear. "The bathrooms are just over here" I said, "thanks man" he was one strange guy.

I really HATED our school, not the teachers, or the classes, or even the students, it was the building, hallways, filled with asbestos, corridors leading into dead ends and no working lights, perfect traps for new students, like Matt, who, coincidentally, showed up right as I was thinking this.

"Hey! I wanna talk to ya!" he said, I wondered why he had helped me this morning, I certainly wouldn't have helped him, well, I might have, he is pretty cute. "What about?" I might have thrown a little too much sarcasm into it, but oh well. "I think you know damn well!" he whispered, as he grabbed the collar of my shirt, my GOOD shirt, mind you, down this decrepit, disgusting, dank, dark hallway, which is kinda why I couldn't come up with an answer. "Well!" he raised his voice at me, "I don't know what you want me to say!" I responded, truthfully, I might add. "Why were those idiots attacking you?!" he asked, getting a little rough with me, pinning me to the wall, in a less than nice way. "They were just messing around, having fun, it wasn't an attack, now if you'll excuse me, I have a class to not fail at" I said, more worried about my algebra grade, plummeting faster than my hope that the wall I was pinned to was clean. "So, would it just be messing around if I did this?" suddenly, he grabbed my chin, lifted it up, and passionately kissed my, rubbing something very large, and very hard against my groin.

"Either way, I suggest you not come near me again with such an intent in mind, or I will not hesitate to castrate you with a rusty butterknife" I spat angrily, walking away, trying not to show my hard member, luckily, I decided to wear sweatpants today. "Calm down, it was just an, experiment, and it definitely worked" he retorted arrogantly, now in the main hallway "I suggest you leave, NOW" said Aiden calmly, grabbing Matt the same way he grabbed me, with an apparent intent to kill him.

"Both of you, calm down, Aiden, put Matt down, Matt, leave, NOW" I tried to act as a mediator between the two jealous idiots, I thought to myself, wow, two guys, fighting over you, Ricky, you are one sexy stud. Which is exactly how Aiden reacted, pulling me back into the same dark hallway, causing me to cringe in fear of the myriad of germs, bacteria, an viruses that could lurk in this hallway. "...did he hurt you? are you ok?" was all I heard once I finished thinking about how much I could sue the school for if I died from some disease in here. "Aiden, I'm fine, no need to worry that thick skull of yours, Matt's not the one you need to worry about..." I trailed off, hoping he would catch my meaning, I knew he heard what Derrick said a few days ago "I know, Rick" using my nickname of my nickname, which I let slide, my parents only used that if they wanted to talk about something serious. "Let's get to first, ok?" I asked, hoping he would drop the matter. In reality, I liked Matt, he protected me when Aiden couldn't, made me feel safe, and I'd be lying if I thought he was kinda hot.

My Straight Boyfriend (boyxboy)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin