Chapter 3

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Ricky's POV

"Ricky, why are you late?" Mr.Alders asked, not wanting to tell him I was late because of Derrick, I just told him "I had to get something from the office" Mr.Alders just rolled his eyes and gave me a look that told me he could see right through my lie. "Now that we're all here, open up your anatomy textbooks to page 343, we will begin learning about the human reproductive system", I thought, just great, Mr.Alders stared at me and gave me an evil smile, showing his real intent for today's assignment. He was the only person I told I am gay.

I am sitting on the roof of the school, this became my sanctuary, to study, read, or just relax. I heard the footsteps of someone coming up the main stairwell, I was relieved when I saw it was only Mr.Alders, and I sat back down on the ledge. "What are you doing up here, Ricky?" Mr.Alders asked, "nothing, I just needed a quiet place to think" "what are you really thinking about?" he asked. I thought about it for a couple of seconds. I finally built up the courage to tell him I am gay, "Mr.Alders, you know how you always say everyone's different in their own way?" "yes, of course", he said interrupting my thought, "Mr.Alders, I'm not normal, I'm gay" I finally told him, Mr.Alders scooped me up into a huge bear hug, saying "don't ever say that Ricky, you are just as normal as the rest of us, never put yourself down like that"

He always found a way to make me feel comfortable, but today, he just seemed like he was trying to make me feel uncomfortable, "just great" I muttered under my breath, "is there something you would like to share with the rest of the class, Ricky?" he winked at me, trying to get me to come out, he has been since I told him I am gay. "No Mr.Alders, I'm fine" I hoped he got the hint that I was trying to convey. "Today we will be getting a new student, his name is Aiden O'Reilly, he is from England". Mr. Alders walked to the door, opened it, and motioned him towards me, the seat right next to me was the only open one, and we are right in the corner.

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