An Awkward Test Run

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On the way back to Aleifr, Freyer was practically consumed by his curiosity about the pocket watch. His mind never strayed too far from his thoughts of it. He hoped that the notes he had grabbed from the ruins would answer the various questions that they embedded into him. More than anything, he hoped he would learn a way to control the, telaportation, if you will.

Upon his return to Aleifr Freyer snuck off to the woods to read the notes, after his chores of course. The sound of crows filled the air around a tall, smooth bolder covered in gleaming white. Freyer climbed up on to the highest point and brushed away the snow so he could sit. He slipped off his wet leather gloves and shoved them into his pocket. With his ridged hands he pulled out the notes from the ruins from his bag.

He read it over many times, just to make sure that he hadn't misread or skipped over anything. The instructions were phrased oddly and took sometime to make sense of, but a life of books made figuring out what it meant  less work. The message was simple: to use 'The Gate' one must focus their energy into the watch and guide it mentally through the path it sought. It did not matter what you thought the path looked like or if you had been there . It only mattered that you envision the arrival at your destination. When you open your eyes and see, your soul will have been sent to the destination through the imagination of your travel. It seems like an easy task, until one thinks things  through a little more. Only thinking of one thing is difficult task, especially for thoughts that are of strong mind. It warned of one thing specifically, in travel if you do not stick to the map you may never find your way home.

Freyer thought of the dangerous and it became more and more clear that this not something to be done alone, as it would be easy to end up trapped within 'The Black Hall' between worlds. For this the solution was obvious. obvious, but undesired. Even so it was necessary, He and Finn must travel together or the risk of losing the way would be far too high.

Freyer anxiously awaited Finn's recovery so that he might try to return home, in the hopes of learning control over the watch's power. Finn pretended he was fine for quite some time, but it was far too obvious that he was still in bad shape to risk him scampering around in Loch .In the meantime he studied the paper and the watch over and over, hoping to minimize any future mistakes.

Finally, the day came that Finn was able to run around like a maniac  once again. After breakfast he told Finn of his plan.

"That's crazy!!"He quietly screamed

"Oh, because anything about the situation ever made any sense."

"AH! THAT'S...I see your point. But shouldn't we tell brother?"

"NO! There's no way he'd let us try."

"But you know how long we'll be in that wierd state. We can't just not tell him, he'll be worried to death, and we'll have died in the snow."

"Uhhhhg your right.But if we tell him..."

"We have to. O-okay."

Finn and Freyer walked into the living room were Waldek was reading. Their expressions screamed 'We're up to something' but since Waldek didn't look up from his book, he didn't notice.

"So...Waldek." Freyer started.

"We just wanted to tell you..."

"Spit it out you idiots."

"Okay so, Freyer found this paper thingy that told him about how he goes between places and apparently it's this pocket watch thing and he has it with him for some reason, the paper told him about controlling his... telaportation like crap and were gonna try it out" Finn rambled hoping Waldek wouldn't  catch half of what he said, and just say yes.

Winged Dream (Under Heavy Editing)Where stories live. Discover now