A Past Unspoken part 1

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Freyer approached his dreary old house like always, but this time was different, this time he had Finn. As they stepped in from the bright world into the shady abode Finn began to wonder, it seems as though no one but Freyer lived in this house. But surely,he thought to himself, surely this could not be. Surely Freyer had a family. It was this that lead him to realize, not once had Freyer made any inquiry as to where he & Waldek's parents were. True, Finn was...inexperienced when it came to social matters, but he still found it quite curious. After all, the only kind of people who wouldn't say anything, was someone who knew, only certain people would, a kind of person who Finn hoped Freyer wasn't.

In dismay, and filled with worry, Finn stopped.

"Frey...",he said warily, "where...are your parents?"

The silence that followed that question was louder than the shriek of any beast.

"...Not home."

"Don't give me that crap! What happened!?"


"Tell me!" Finn blared

Freyer's timid voice let out a faint whisper "Blood."


"There was so much blood. She...my...my mom was driving. She had picked me up...f-from school." Freyer stammered, trying to tell his friend. Trying to fight a flood of rancid memories that pained him to even think about.

Everything all seemed to come back at once. 

Freyer sat in the back seat, he was still a bit too small to ride shotgun. He was kinda bothered by it, but he didn't let it get to him. His mom drove smoothly away from the school in her blue grey Hyundai.

"How was school?"She asked sweetly.

"The kids were making fun of me again."

"Oh Sweetie,again? What were they doing this time?" She did her best to hide how angry she was at those kids, and the school for that matter. She must have done well, because little Frey never noticed.

Freyer looked down at his shoes. "I-I don't want to talk about it."

"Alright. But how about we go get some ice cream before we go home? Special treat since you had a rough day!" She smiled wearily, trying to cover up just how worried she was. In truth, she could go for some therapeutic ice cream as well.


They went through the weaving curves of the old back roads.There were faster ways to get there,but this way passed through a forested area.Freyer liked forests.They were almost to town,Freyer was feeling a bit better now,he was looking forward to the Ice cream.They passed through an intersection,he could see the shop from his seat in the back.Then it happened.

It hit the side with brutal force, as expected from that speed. The car flipped over, but by then it was already far too late. The driver was speared in many places with the broken glass. Her sweet face was covered in the blood, dripping, from the cuts on her head. But that could not compare to the fatal piece of glass lodged in her neck.The boy in the back, who had a broken arm and a huge gash in his thigh, crawled his way through the broken pieces of metal and glass. Over to the driver, to his mother.

'Mom!...Mom, there's so much blood, Mom.' Freyer looked down on his dying mother, adding his tears to her blood.

"I love you...Frey...be...strong." She stopped talking after that. Her eyes were stagnant, staring from the grave at her beloved son. Freyer tried with all his might to open the car doors. At last the hinges broke on one, he pushed away the rubble. Freyer wrapped his arms around her waist, pulled as hard he could. He had managed to get her half way out the car, but his broken arm couldn't take any more. Especially not when he was losing blood. He laid in the pool of blood holding his mother's corpse close. He was bleeding out, but he never stopped looking into her eyes. Even dead they were full of hope.The tears that flowed from his vacant emotionless eyes worsened the blur. He couldn't even make out her face. Eventually he passed out, but that moment replayed in his head on an eternal loop.

Father never came to visit. He only came to the hospital when he was called, even then he never went in Freyer's room. Freyer would have preferred that he never came all. Whenever his dad was called in, the nurses would try to have him visit. He would yell at them, saying 'THAT THING IN THERE IS NOT MY SON! THAT IS THE MONSTER THAT KILLED MY WIFE!' or ' THAT LITTLE WORTHLESS BASTARD CAN BURN IN HELL!'. Freyer thought it would be much nicer if he hadn't come at all. But as his only guardian, he needed to give consent for Freyer's treatment. Eventually he calmed down enough to be polite, and to sign the papers.

After Freyer's discharge he was brought home and left there. His father just told him to eat something himself, because he would be going out somewhere. He never said where, but it was obvious when he came home hammered. Freyer had taken a liking to his room more than usual. It was hard to see his father like that. Not that he saw him often, if he wasn't at work, he was at the pub. Lucky for Freyer that his dad bought enough food for three.This became the norm. Things didn't often stray from this new pattern.

Freyer stood tall. He looked into Finn's eyes whilst tears dropped from his. Finn stared back at him, back into the blue eyes that hid a breaking boy. Finn took at step closer, and wrapped his arms around him. He squeezed tight.

"It'll be okay,you've got us now."

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