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Running, running, through the void of endless white. Not so much as one shadow in sight. They're coming after me, biting at my heels. Tears stream off my face breaking in midair, leaving a trail of shining sorrow.


"M-MOM" I grabbed her and cried into her. I took a second to look up at her loving face, to see her warm smile that could melt the heart of even the coldest beast. Insted I found her face pale and eyes blank. Blood began to spill from her neck and suddenly she was gone. She had vanished before my eyes and would never return.

Huff huff huff huff. Freyer sat up in his bed, gasping for air, beads of sweat rolled of his face. Fumbling, he managed to grab his glasses without breaking them.  

"A dream, it was just a dream." He said, trying to clam down. Slowly he reached over to his night stand and gently grabbed an old gold pocket watch. "Mom..." Freyer said holding the pocket watch to his heart.    

It was morning, the bell had rung, and everyone was in their seats, or they were supposed to be anyway. The room was filled with noise. Almost all of the students were talking, about some meaningless thing or another. But not Freyer. He was siting, silently, the only noise was the quick floush of yellowed pages. Finally, the teacher showed up. Everyone sat down, but the talking did not cease. "Class!" Mr.Retniw half yelled, his energy was drained, only his unreasonably large cup of coffee, gave him energy to stand. Freyer didn't even look up from his book, Mr.Retniw would fall asleep within the next half hour anyway. Mr.Retniw's biorhythm kicked in, as always, at exactly 8:40 am. His head smashed into his desk, and luckily,not into his coffee.

'Oh,how loudly the fools do laugh.' His annoyed comment brushed the air with pessimism.'

Following the absurd giggling was paper balls. They struck him in the back of his neck, and every time the other kids had gotten bored of wading paper into a ball and throwing it to piss off some kid (who TRYING to read),pifft! There it is. the paper ball to the neck. It was then, after the paper ball, that the dream's most haunting part crept into his consciousness. Like a spider creeps into a house.


                      It was almost as if Freyer wasn't even there. 'Her pale face was stained with red' Every time he closed his eyes, if he so much as blinked, her dead face was all he saw. He started to upchuck. Freyer ran out of the room and into the bathroom. After he was certain he had finished hurling, Freyer went to the nurses office, and was sent home.

                         Freyer walked in wearily. All he could think of was that horrid dream. He was almost afraid to sleep. But his bed called to him like a siren. Not even bothering to change, he plopped on his bed, and thought himself to sleep.

                  For a moment he was plunged into darkness. No matter where he turned there was nothing but black. And then he saw it. The feather drifted downward. It's delicate blue color gave it an enchanting feel. He sprinted,  growing ever closer to the blue. He had arrived in time to catch the feather. It fell, it seemed, right into his hands. Before Freyer had time to think he got a hazy feeling. After that there was wind. The gentle wind fluttered around him. Light shinned down on his pale face, long grass caressing it.

                 His powder blue eyes opened slowly. It was... "Beautiful." Freyer said standing up.  Freyer had wandered around some, not to far, before he felt it. The cold sharp feeling of a sword to your throat

"Who are you?" A voice colder than the sword whispered in his ear.  


"And just what are you doing here 'Freyer'?"  


"What are you doing here?" The cold voice asked again, despite the loud one's continuing rant in the background.  

"I lost my way, I'm just trying to get home."  

"If you've lost your way, then I suggest you find it" Freyer was roughly turned around by a pale long haired boy  with cold, deep, purple eyes. He pointed the sword and said "quickly."  

" I don't know where I am or how I got here so I can't."

  "The village is that way." The boy pointed his sword yet again, this time to the forward left.  

"Village?" Freyer asked, shocked to hear of civilization anywhere near where he was.  

"Áleifr. The only village within 16 dreads of here."  

"Áleifr?Dreads? Where the hell am I?"  

"Big brother, why no just be rid of him?! All he says are lies!"  

'B-be rid of me?! Shit! What have I gotten myself into!?'  

The loud one - younger then the other, with shortish black hair and the same mysterious purple eyes - was promptly slapped upside the head. This seemed to mean 'shut up' as the boy no longer continued his ranting.

"It would appear that you are little more than a hopelessly lost fool. You would not last an day in the village, not with - I presume - no money. A  fool is no harm to us, you shall stay, and you shall work. And once you can, you will leave."  

"T-thanks." 'I think.' He responded in amazement.  

"Brot-"the loud on stopped. With one heartless glare from his brother.   Freyer silently followed the two when he realized he didn't know their names. He ran up to the older one of the two and asked

"Excuse me, what are your names?"  

The reply came almost instantly.  "I am Waldek." He hadn't even turned to face Freyer.  

"And I" the younger one popped in "Am Finn, valiant descendent of the noble Dragons! " Finn's sparkles were soon burned by yet another slap to the head courtesy of Waldek.   Not long after, they came upon an average sized, two story house. It was made of beautiful dark wood planks and their huge door had a slot in it near the top. Waldek reached in his bag and produced a small old key. After they had all entered, the very first thing he did was re-lock the door.  

"Finn, peel the potatoes while I show Freyer around the house."

Finn made a face but walked into the kitchen and started. Freyer look ed around in awe at all the gorgeous portraits, all of dragons, as Waldek led him to the stairs and into the first door on the right of a small hallway.

"This will be your quarters. You'll have to share with Finn, but he's not as bad as he seems, although I would recommend not touching his things. "  

Waldek walked over to a chest in between two beds. He produced a comfy looking under shirt, pants and a beautiful black jacket with gold trim.  

"Here, you can use my old clothes, you would attract to much attention walking around in that... odd outfit."

Freyer could only stare in disbelief that the the tall, slender, well muscled teen in front of him was ever small enough to be about the same size as he. But he must have been, the clothes were an almost perfect fit.  

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