Peter Goes to OSCORP

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Just a quick disclaimer this is the MCU Peter Parker, but the story will have references to the other spiderman movies. Also, the edit isn't mine, but I think its the cutest thing I've ever seen in my entire life.

Peter had been practically buzzing with excitement all week ever since Monday when his teacher had announced that they were going on a field trip to OSCORP that Friday. Tony was a little hurt his son was so excited to be going on a field trip to another science lab when he owned the best one, but he quickly got over it when he saw how happy Peter was.

When Friday finally rolled around Peter was ecstatic. He jumped out of bed as soon as FRIDAY woke him up and quickly got ready. He ran into the kitchen where his mom and dad were sitting down to eat breakfast.

"Good morning Pete" Tony greeted his son.

"Good morning!" Peter chirped as he sat down to join his parents at the table.

"Someones a happy camper today" Pepper chuckled as she set the waffles on the table alongside the bacon and fruit.

"I mean I don't get what all the excitement is about," Tony exclaimed. "You already live in the best science lab in the world."

"Yeah I know, but OSCORP is like the second best which is still pretty cool," Peter raved "Plus Norman Osborn himself is giving us the tour."

"Oh really?" Tony was surprised, "Doesn't he have anything better to do than give a group of middle schoolers a tour?"

"I think it has something to do with his son being part of the tour group. Harry is his name, I think. He's new this year." Peter responded while shoveling a mouthful of waffles into his mouth.

"Hmmm..." Tony said, "maybe I could talk to your teacher about giving your class a tour of Stark Tower. I could even give the tour myself. What do you say, Pete? It could be fun."

"As fun as that sounds dad, I know you'd try to embarrass me in front of my entire class the whole time."

"Whaaa...." Tony gasped, holding a hand to his chest pretending to be hurt, "I would never! I'm hurt you'd even think I'd do something like that to my little Petey." Tony teased Peter while ruffling his hair.

"Well if you want to be on time you better leave now Peter, Happy is waiting whenever you're ready," Pepper told Peter.

Peter quickly shoved a piece of bacon in his mouth and ran to his room to grab his backpack.

"Bye mom and dad, I'll see you when I get home. I love you guys" Peter said hugging his parents before he left.

"I love you too Kiddo, have fun," Pepper said planting a kiss on her son's forehead.

"But not too much fun," Tony remarked sarcastically, "be careful Pete, I love you."

Peter pressed the button on the elevator and waited for it to reach the main level. He quickly exited the elevator and made his way out of Stark Tower and into the car where Happy was waiting for him.

Peter began chattering about his field trip the second he opened the door to the black Audi. He didn't stop talking until the car stopped outside of Peter's school. Happy was ready for today to be over so Peter would stop talking his ear off about his field trip.

Peter opened the door, quickly said goodbye to Happy, and bounded off towards the bus they'd be taking for the field trip.


When Peter's bus finally arrived at OSCORP, Peter could barely contain himself. The group of students gathered in the main lobby and was greeted by none other than Norman Osborne himself. Students were chattering amongst each other but instantly stopped when Norman began his introduction.

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