Season 1 Episode 12 - Son

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Robbie is sitting at the kitchen table holding his cellphone and Nicole walks in the kitchen and smiles as she sees him and says "call her already" and Robbie says "I already have seven times, she ain't answering it just keeps going to voicemail"

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Robbie is sitting at the kitchen table holding his cellphone and Nicole walks in the kitchen and smiles as she sees him and says "call her already" and Robbie says "I already have seven times, she ain't answering it just keeps going to voicemail". Nicole sighs as she opens the fridge door and takes out a bottle of water and says "well you shouldn't have been such an asshole to her then?" And Robbie looks angry and he says "excuse me?". Nicole exhales "you heard me she told you what she done and you just laughed it off" and Robbie exclaims "it ain't true I mean demons,ghosts it's a lot of bullshit". Nicole laughs and says "you really are a clueless bustard. She's telling the truth Deanna and Dean and Sam and John even your uncle they all hunt" and Robbie says "well why don't you?" and Nicole says "I wasn't special enough. She'll come around I can give you the motel she's at" and Robbie sighs.

Deanna is in the motel toilet and sitting on the toilet and after a moment of comfortable silence Dean knocks on the door and asks "Annie you alright in there?" And Deanna exhales and mutters "I can't even take a piss in peace" and Deanna says in ...

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Deanna is in the motel toilet and sitting on the toilet and after a moment of comfortable silence Dean knocks on the door and asks "Annie you alright in there?" And Deanna exhales and mutters "I can't even take a piss in peace" and Deanna says in a annoyed tone "I'm fine De". Dean steps back from the door and Sam is sitting on the bed staring in a trance and Deanna opens the toilet door and Dean says in a low voice to Deanna "he won't talk he just sits there" and Deanna sympathetically looks at Sam and says "why don't you go out and grab us something to eat?" and Dean exclaims "oft no way this demon could strike any time I ain't leaving you" and Deanna rolls her eyes and says "De I'm a hunter I can take care of myself. I can handle demons I want a cheese burger and chips" Dean sighs "I ain't leaving you alone. I'm going for a shower" and Dean walks in the bathroom and shuts the door. Deanna walks towards the round table and she stands besides Sam and leans over the table and grabs her packet of cigarettes and takes out a cigarette and puts it to her lips and lights up her cigarette. Sam says "you can't smoke in here you're not allowed". Deanna looks at the no smoking sign and she inhales and exhales the smoke and she sits down at the table and says "since when did I start listen to rules? I don't do rules Sammy I make 'em" and Sam looks at Deanna with a blank expression across his face and Deanna asks "so how ya holding up?" and Sam scoffs "how do you think?" and Deanna says "like shit. I'm guessing you feel angry, hurt, numb and sad" Sam nods and says "pretty much" and Deanna smokes her cigarette and Sam looks at Deanna and he says "I guess you would know how I feel" and Deanna nods and says "I wake up every morning and the first thought crosses my mind is Nate, I know how you feel to have someone you love and adored and planned to have a future with dead" and Sam sniffles and asks "does it get easier?". Dean presses his ear against the door and Deanna says "I'm not gonna lie to you Sammy it's hard losing the one you love. When Nathan died I lost myself went into self destruct mode. I had it in my head if I died I could be with him again" Sam asks "so what got you through it?" and Deanna twirls her cigarette between her finger and thumb and she says "family - our dysfunctional family. Dad, you and Dean and Nik you all helped me through it. Life is tough we get by we always have done.. I got through Nate's death and in time you'll get through Jessica's death. Dean and me we'll help you through it. I'm here for you" and Sam weakly smiles and wipes his tears as she places her hand on Sam's forearm and Sam says "I know you are thank you...Y'know why can't you be like this all the time?" and Deanna pulls a confused frown and asks "like what?". Sam says "when you show you're softer side, why do you have this bitch wall up?" Deanna nods and says "it was Dad who made me this way when I was a kid he always taught me never to show people you're soft it's a weakness, they'll just hurt you that I wasn't to trust nobody and I wouldn't get hurt" Sam nods and says "well I prefer this side" and Deanna leans forward towards Sam and says in a loud whisper "hey Sammy guess what? I do have a heart just don't tell anyone" and they laugh.

 Sam says "when you show you're softer side, why do you have this bitch wall up?" Deanna nods and says "it was Dad who made me this way when I was a kid he always taught me never to show people you're soft it's a weakness, they'll just hurt you th...

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The Winchester siblings are in their motel room watching television when suddenly Deanna's cell phone rings and vibrates and Deanna picks up her cell phone that is on the bed and presses her phone to her ear and she says "yeah? Whoever this is it better be important I'm in the middle of watching Saw" a man chuckles down the phone. "Hey Babygirl" Deanna sits up in shock and John says "now listen to me very carefully Deannie do not tell your brother I'm the one who called you. Now there's a diner across the street from your room. I want you to come over alone - alone Deannie don't alarm your brother..I'm waiting" and John ends the call and Deanna slowly takes the phone away from her ear and Dean looks to Deanna and asks "who was that?" Deanna says "it was Robbie guys I won't be long" and Deanna stands up from the bed and Sam asks "where you going?" and Deanna says "outside to call Nicole'' and Dean nods "alright you got five minutes and stay where I can see ya" Deanna looks at Deanna with a deadpan expression on her face and she shouts "I ain't a baby dickhead!" and Deanna storms out of the room.

John is sitting at a diner and Ryder is drinking a strawberry milkshake and chuckles at his grandson

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John is sitting at a diner and Ryder is drinking a strawberry milkshake and chuckles at his grandson. Deanna walks into the diner and her eyes roam around the family diner and her eyes gaze on to her father and she smiles and she rushes over to the booth John is sitting in. John stands up and Deanna looks gobsmacked and engulfs his only daughter in a tight hug. Deanna is close to tears and she says "I missed you so much Daddy" and John kisses Deanna's head and he says "I missed you too Deannie". They both sit across from each other and she glances to Ryder and asks "Dad, where have you been? De and me have been trying to find you for a month" and John nods and he says "I'm sorry for vanishing I got a lead on the demon" and Deanna nods and she says "Sam's girlfriend Jess-" John cuts Deanna off and he says "I know, she died the demon got to her..that's why I'm back" Deanna says with pleading eyes and says "Dad, please come back we can be a family again" and John nods "okay I'll come back" and Deanna smirks and she glances to Ryder and asks "who's this?" John says uneasily "your son" and Deanna looks at Ryder in shock.


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