Season 1 Episode 4 - Problem Child

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Dean walks into Deanna's hospital room to find it empty "Annie?" Dean's cell phone rings he immediately gets his phone and Nanswers the call by putting the cell phone to his ear and Deanna says "De, it's me. I'm outside" Dean's eyes widen "what?" And Deanna hangs up. Dean mutters "'and they say I'm the problem child'" Deanna is leaning against the impala and Dean walks up to her and says "Deanna what the fuck?" Deanna smirks "look don't start" Dean says "why did you bail? Get back in there!" Deanna smirks and sighs and says "c'mon De I am not gonna get treated in a hospital where there is not one fit doctor in sight" Dean laughs and says "alright fine we can go to Bobby's" Deanna grins and says "thanks De" and Deanna gets in the car as Dean smirks and shakes his head then climbs into his beloved family car and drives off to Bobby's. Dean and Deanna pull up at Singers Garage and Deanna gets out of the car followed by her over protective brother and they walk into Bobby's house and they see Bobby reading a book Deanna says "hey Bob" Dean says "Bobby" Bobby's gazes up at the Winchester siblings "Deanne Jesus what are ya doing here? You should be at the hospital. Dean what the hell she doing here?" Deanna sighs at Bobby lecturing Dean "uncle Bob it ain't De's fault I was the one who decided to check out. De just followed me. Stop giving him a hard Tim anyway they couldn't cook for shit. Any chance I can have one of your awesome cheeseburgers?" Bobby cracks a smile and says "oh dang it, why don't you get up to bed and rest and I'll bring your burger up to you" Deanna smirks "thanks uncle Bob" Bobby rolls his eyes "don't mention it kid" and Deanna walks upstairs. Bobby and Dean walk to the kitchen and Dean rubs at his chin frustratingly and Bobby says "quit worrying I'm sure she'll be fine" Dean raises his eyes "yeah no doubt" there was a moment of silence as Bobby was cooking the burgers and Dean sits down at the kitchen table and says "I was uh thinking about taking Annie to see Sam" Bobby grimaces and says "you sure that's a good idea. I mean Sam's out of this life now" Dean nods and says "I know but he might wanna come back" "maybe" Bobby says in a patronizing tone. Nicole is outside smoking and Deanna appears outside "Hey Deanna what are you doing here?" Deanna sits beside her twin sister and Nicole passes over her cigarette she is currently smoking over to Deanna "thanks" Deanna says. There is an awkward silence between the sisters "Bob's letting De and me crash here until I heal" Nicole nods and says "I'm sorry for me freaking out on ya at the hospital" Deanna cracks a smile and says "it's alright we were all pretty shook up" they both nod and a teenage boy around their age drives on a motorcycle and he drives into Bobby's yard the girls curiously glance at each other and they stand up and walk over to him. The mysterious unknown male takes off his black helmet Deanna says "can I help you?" The boy stands up and winks at Deanna and exclaims "holy shit! What the hell happened to you?" Deanna smirks and says "ran into a brick wall" the male laughs "is Bobby here" Deanna and Nicole lock gazes with each other and Bobby walks out to the yard and says shocked "Robbie? Shit what ya doing here boy?" Robbie walks past Deanna and Nicole walking towards Bobby and hugs him "hey uncle Bobby. Hows it going?" They pull apart from the hug and Bobby puts a hand on Robbie's back and lead's him to the house and says "c'mon kid lets get ya inside" Deanna and Nicole look at each other. Dean walks outside and asks "who's the kid?" Deanna answers "that's Robbie, Bobby's nephew"Dean looks confused "wait I'm confused" Deanna smiles and says "join the club". Inside the house in the kitchen Bobby gives Robbie a cup of coffee and Robbie looks up at Bobby "a coffee? Ah c'mon uncle Bobby gimmie a beer" Bobby shakes his head and Robbie says "I'm 20!" Bobby says "no your mother would kill me" Robbie rolls his eyes "she's too busy being a whore" Bobby slaps Robbie upside the head "hey that's enough". Deanna glances at Dean who is standing behind her. Nicole says "so, your 20?" Robbie says "yep, how old are you?" He asks Deanna 19" she replies Dean looks at Deanna giving her a worried look. Deanna is in her bedroom that she decorated when she was younger in posters of Nirvana, Metallica, Five Finger Death Punch, and Green Day and other soft and rock groups. Downstairs Dean walks towards Robbie and says "Robbie right?" Robbie looks at Dean and says "yeah" Dean stands dangerously close to Robbie and says "look I want you to stay away from Deanna" Robbie looks confused and says "Deanna? Is that her with the dark hair, brown eyes, promiscuous? Or is that her with the blonde hair, blue eyes and busted up face and the feisty one?" Dean glares at Robbie and says "look she's been through a lot and she isn't the right frame of mind for a relationship" and Dean walks away leaving Robbie to just chuckle. The next morning Deanna is in the kitchen cooking breakfast and pouring out coffee and Dean walks in and Deanna smiles up at Dean and says "hey, want some coffee ?" Dean nods "yeah I'd love some but I can't I
just called Caleb"Deanna looks concerned "why?" Dean looks at Deanna and says "it looks like we'll be sticking around here for a good week or two so I thought Caleb could come up. He wants to see ya anyway" and Deanna nods "yeah okay". Dean puts on his long brown leather jacket "where are ya going?" Deanna asks and Dean says "you'll have to put that coffee on hold I gotta go to the grocery store and get some beer for tonight" Deanna puts her hand on her hip and says "okay can you pick me up some chocolate?" Dean nods "sure M&Ms?" Deanna smirks and nods "thanks" Dean kisses Deanna on the cheek "no problem sis" and Dean walks out of Bobby's house. Deanna drinks some of her coffee and Robbie walks in the kitchen and Deanna says "hey, want some?" Robbie smirks and winks at her "oh I'd love some" Deanna realises Robbie was flirting with her she deeply sighs and says "if this is your way of flirting it sucks" Robbie chuckles and she asks him "can I ask you a question?" Robbie smiles and says "sure beautiful" she asks "do you usually flirt with every girl you lay on?" Robbie says "only the fit ones" Deanna sighs and Robbie says "alright I'll stop I know you've been through a lot and you're not in the right frame of mind to hook up" Deanna's eyes widen "what?" "well your brother he told me-" Deanna storms out of the kitchen brushing past Robbie. Dean returns as his Chevy impala pulls up in Bobby's yard and Deanna is standing outside looking cross and Dean gets out of the car holding the grocery bag and Deanna angrily walks up to him and Dean smiles "hey sis, you okay?" "don't sis you okay me! I just had a interesting conversation with Robbie apparently I've been through a lot and I'm not in the right mind to get in a relationship!" Dean looks awkward and says "he told ya huh?" Deanna shakes her head and says "asshole" and she barges past Dean. Dean says "I don't want you talking to him" Deanna turns around and says "excuse me was that a order? If I didn't know any better I would say that you were trying to tell me what to do. I will talk to who I wanna talk to I don't need your fucking permission!" Deanna angrily walks away inside Bobby's house and Dean shakes his head mentally kicking himself. Deanna is in her bedroom sitting on her bed leaning against the black headboard with her white earphones in listening to 'Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen' nodding her head to the beat and Caleb knocks on Deanna's bedroom door but Deanna is unable to hear his knocking as her music is too loud. "You better be decent" Caleb mutters as he enters the bedroom and he appears at the doorway inside her bedroom and she gasps and takes off her earphones out of her ears and she jumps off her bed and runs to Caleb and he catches her and hugs her protectively and says "hey De-De you okay?" She nods against his chest he she pulls away from his hug and he cups her cheek "Jesus Christ look at your face" "I'm alright Cal" Caleb looks around the bedroom and chuckles and says "woah this room ain't changed one bit" Deanna smiles "Why you up here? Dean's worried" Deanna rolls her eyes and says "Dean's a dick" and Caleb asks "what 'd he do this time?" "tryin to boss me around" Caleb scoffs and says "he didn't did he? Shit he should know better than to boss you around" Deanna laughs and Caleb says "c'mon this rooms depressing the shit outta me. Let's get outta here" and Deanna playfully slaps his arm "hey! My room is not depressing" Caleb and Deanna are laughing and Caleb wraps his arm around Deanna's shoulders as they walk out of her bedroom.


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