An Unexpected Trip: 02

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It was a...stuffed rabbit? A stuffed rabbit wearing a frilly pink dress along with a magic wand to accompany her outfit.

"Is this a joke?" Rei mumbled to herself.

She approached it cautiously, looking it up and down as it gazed back at her nervously.

"What... Are you...?" She asked it as all the other classmates pulled startled expressions.

"Uhm... It looks like a stuffed animal..." Someone murmured in the background which immediately caught the rabbits attention.

"That's right, I am a squeezably soft stuffed animal. Magical Miracle Girl Usami... A.K.A. Usami! I may not look like it, but I am your squeezably soft teacher. Nice to meet you all!" She exclaimed as she jumped up in the air and raised her hands up in excitement.

"H-Huh? Am I hallucinating? Am I the only one who's seeing this?" asked the perverted chef as sweat drenched his forehead.

"Nah, I see it too..." The pink haired guy pointed out nervously.

"What's with this talkin' Chihuahua!?" The brunette yelled, scratching her head in uncertainty.

"Eh!? That's a Chihuahua!?" added the girl with the horned hair in disbelief.

"...Does everybody here know what a rabbit is? It's a loveable animal that's very fluffy and soft. That's what I am! A singing, dancing, talking rabbit mascot!" Usami explained as she scratched the back of her head sheepishly.

"H-Hold on! Let me process this first!" the perverted chef trembled as he pulled his hair stressfully.

"Okie-dokie!" Usami smiled as she swung back and forth on her feet in a cute manner.

"Uhm... What do you guys think? I-I've never seen a stuffed animal that can sing, dance, and talk before..." The chef nervously fidgeted with his hands, briefly peering over at the rabbit before looking away quickly.

"I-It's probably remote controlled or something... Don't act like such a pussy over a child's toy." A boy with buzzed blonde hair stated before looking down at the floor uncertainly.

"E-Even if it's remote controlled, doesn't it look too lifelike?" asked the pink-haired guy.

"That's pretty advanced for a toy..." Rei mused as she studied its features up close. "Perhaps it may be of value?" She pondered to herself, letting her thieving mind run wild.

"Ah! Please don't sell me!" She squealed holding her hands up in defence.

"It's movements and mannerisms are not the issue. More importantly, based on what it said... " The larger boy from earlier pointed at the strange rabbit in accusation. "It seems you know something about our current situation...!"

"Of course I do! I'm the lead teacher of this school trip!" Usami announced as she stuck a paw up in the air to emphasise her point across to the other dazed classmates.

"Hey, what do you mean, school trip?" The larger boy quizzed frustratedly as he glared daggers into the rabbit, making her nervous.

"A large group of students go on a chaperoned trip with a lead teacher! It's the biggest event of the school year!" She explained, disregarding the boys menacing looks.

"We're not looking for such a literal answer..." The boy with the ahoge muttered to himself.

"Now let's depart for the fun school trip!" Usami cheered before she waved her magic wand in circles before the room began to collapse like the setting of a stage.

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