Chapter 8

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Ebon’s POV*

    The guild was in chaos.

“I can’t believe this!”

    “Is he really gone?”

    “When I find those punks, they’re gonna regret it!”

    “EVERYONE, CALM DOWN!” I roared, getting their attention, “we’re all upset over what happened, but we have no choice but to do deal with it! We can’t act until we have more information, so cool it!” The panicked yelling died down, but I could still hear everyone impatiently muttering among themselves. I don’t blame them.

    “How did this happen…” I thought to myself as I remembered what happened last night…


    Opal and I were woken up by pounding on the door.


    “Ebon-san!” I could hear kids crying outside.

    “Daddy, what’s going on?” Amya asked as I passed her room.

    “We don’t know, sweetie. Daddy’s going to take care of it,” Opal soothed her as I answered the door. To my surprise, Kitty and Finn were on my front porch.

    “What happened?” I asked as I noticed the scared looks on their faces.

    “Some weird people came,” Finn explained, “Mom told us to run and we could hear Dad fighting them.” Sheridan fighting? Something was clearly wrong.

    “Opal, did you hear that?” I called. She stood at the top of the stairs and nodded. I noticed Amya hiding behind her.

    “Finn, take Amya and Kitty and stay at the guild tonight. Tell the Anthlings I said so.” Finn nodded and soon all three kids were running to the guild. Opal and I sprinted to the Kokoas’ house. When we got there, everything was quiet. Too quiet.



No answer. We broke down the front door and found Aniela unconscious on the floor. Her arms and legs bleeding out. No trace of Sheridan anywhere.

    I felt a steady pressure on my arm, and looked up to see Ray.

    “We’ll find him, Master. I know we will,” she said. I tried to smile at her; she always tries to keep a positive outlook on things and keep everyone else’s hopes up.

    “What’s the first step?” she asked.

    “I already sent Kalma, Ceil, and Chester out on surveillance,” I told her. Those three were the most sensitive out of everyone. If anyone could find a trail to follow, they could.

    “Any clues to who the attackers are?”

    “Not really. We’ll have to wait for Aniela to wake up to find that out.” She was currently being treated in the infirmary. Yuri hasn’t left her side since we brought her in last night.

    “Did you ask Kitty or Finn if they saw anything?”

    “Yes, but they’re still too shaken up to be of much help. Not that I blame them.” Ray nodded sadly at that. Marek and Noah had been trying all morning to comfort Kitty with no success, and Finn, despite his thing with blood, hasn’t left his mother’s side.

    “Should Em and I go look around? Maybe one of us will be able to sense something.”

    “Please.” Leaving her teammates Lynx and Reese in charge of Marek, the two left. I hated lying to my guildmates, but I wasn’t going to share information that I wasn’t sure was correct. Because Finn did tell me something useful: the attackers bore an emblem that betrayed their allegiance. Finn didn’t recognize it, but I did upon his description. I was waiting for Aniela to wake up because I prayed I was wrong. If I was right, the emblem was the Kokoa Family Crest.

*Sheridan’s POV*

I glared at the cloaked, dark-haired man I remember all too well - yet wish I didn’t.

“I should’ve known you were behind this,” I growled at him.

“Oh, don’t sound so angry,” he replied innocently, “I know you missed me, brother.”

“You wish.”

“Come now, aren’t I allowed to have a chat with my own dear family once in a while?”

“Your methods show you have different ideas, Caspar.” The only things keeping me from attacking him right now were anti-magic handcuffs and a guard holding me down. My so-called brother simply smirked at me.

“Do forgive me, my dear brother, but I doubt you would have been more welcoming if I had simply given you a call.”

“Get to the point already!” I hated his games; this isn’t the first time he’s played them with me.

“No need to be so hostile. I simply need a little favor.” He bent down to my level (as I was forced to kneel on the floor). He was too close for comfort.

“As if I-”

“Oh, I’m quite sure you will,” he cut me off, lifting up my chin,

“Get your hands off me!” I growled.

“And what will you do if I don’t,” he replied chillingly, reminding me of the position I was in. I gritted my teeth and glared daggers at him. If looks could kill, my cursed brother would be disintegrated by now.

“You always were the stronger of the two of us,” he murmured, slowly tracing the blue markings on my face, “but look where that’s gotten you now. All because of your naive selflessness.”

“And you wonder why I don’t consider you family,” I muttered.

“Watch your mouth,” he growled, suddenly gripping my cuffed hands, He squeezed them until I gasped in pain.

“But regardless, you are still my beloved brother.” His voice went soft. He started gently tracing the veins on my now-aching hands.

“And you know how I despise bloodshed among relatives,” he continued to whisper, so close I could feel his lips brush against my ear, “but I will resort to that if necessary.” His fingers went to my wedding ring. I could feel my heart stop; I tried to jerk my hands away, but his grip tightened and he resumed fingering it.

“No need to be alarmed. They’re still safe - mostly anyway.” I didn’t dare ask what he meant; I didn’t want to know. I quickly tried to focus on my current situation and keep my wits about me. I know that Caspar is very cunning; he’s trying to throw off me balance then manipulate me into helping him.

“Is there a point to this?” I asked again. He looked me straight in the eye.

“You do know me well. Then again, I’m not surprised.” I waited patiently for him to give a hint.

“It’s just a simple task, brother. Even your sense of ethics shouldn’t conflict with it.”

“If it’s so simple, then why do you need me?” He stood up and looked down at me.

“Because it’s also a quite difficult matter. You see, some… friends asked for my assistance in improving one of their weapons. However, it has bested even my strongest soldiers. What to do…” I saw where this was going.

“What’s the catch?”

“That’s none of your concern. You will play your part in time. But for now, I suppose you want to see it. See its capabilities for yourself.” The guard blindfolded me and forced me to stand. When the blindfold was removed, I saw what appeared to be a training arena. In the middle of the room stood a boy in armor. The guard placed something in my ear.

“Meet your opponent, brother,” Caspar’s voice said, “for today, sample its strength at your leisure. I’m sure you will soon understand why I require your help.” With that, the guard removed my handcuffs and shoved me into the arena. The thick metal door slid shut behind me. The boy immediately whipped about to face me and attacked.

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