Chapter Six

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            Hey guys, sorry it’s taken so long. Been crazy busy! Tell me what you think, please! (:

We didn’t have time to wait. We had to leave then.

            He helped me stand and suddenly, looking around at my cell, I was terrified. I’ve been so secluded for years. I wasn’t even sure how the village looked. What was new? What was in style? I was about to leave this wretched place for good, and I was struck with fear as the gravity of the situation befell upon me. If we were caught, it was death. That wouldn’t be so bad for me, but for Lucas!? I paused and grabbed ahold of Lucas’s arm. “Lucas… What if we get caught?” I whispered, unable to hide the fear that poisoned my thoughts and caused my voice to break. He gently cupped my face and looked into my eyes. “I will never let you go. If we get caught, I will fight to get you free, always.” He said firmly. In that moment, I melted. I threw my arms around his neck and clung to him. Our mouths somehow met and I felt heat in the pit of my stomach. It felt so strange but in a way, I liked it. It caused my legs to squirm and me to get all uneasy and I wanted to be closer to him.

            It only lasted a moment, and then Lucas pulled away. “We have to go Amethyst.” He said, grasping my hand in his. I tried to calm my rapid breathing and nodded, regretting the fact we had to break apart. I squeezed his hand and we began out the door. The halls were deserted. I could see Lucas’s brows furrow by the light. Nervousness boiled in my stomach. Oh Gods. What was wrong?

            “It’s quiet…” he mumbled, creeping towards the end of the hall. I was shaking so hard due to my upheaved nerves. I closed my mouth in an attempt to quiet myself. I was breathing so hard, I was sure that the whole village could hear me. My lungs burned, my legs ached already and I wondered how the hell I was going to make a run for it. I felt tears prick the back of my eyes and I blinked furiously, trying to hide them from Lucas. I had to be stronger than this. I had to make it out.

            I could see a bend coming up and anticipation stung my whole body. I was so focused on what was coming up; I tripped over my own feet. I scrambled to grab onto Lucas and ended up I his arms. He caught me. I looked up at him sheepishly. How embarrassing! We are trying to escape with our lives and I can’t even walk!!

            Lucas chuckled slightly, causing me to blush harder and he gently kissed my forehead. “Shh, it’s okay.” He took my hand in his again and led me slowly to the edge of the corner. I held my breath and Lucas slowly looked past the corner.

            “Lucas?” I heard someone say. I felt as though a bucket of ice water was dumped over my aching body. Someone was there. They had seen us. I shrank back into the wall, flattening myself as much as possible. I was about to die…

            Lucas froze for a split second but didn’t look back. Due to the curvature of the hallway, the other person had obviously not seen me yet. One more step and we would both be goners. I shrank back even more and tucked my face away. I couldn’t risk looking. Lucas’s broad body was shielding mine.

            I almost was thankful I was starved and so frail. I fit easily behind Lucas. I noticed his slight change in stance to guard me better. I remained deathly still and barely dared to breathe.

            “Hey man, what’s up? I didn’t know you were on guard tonight.” The other man said. It was casual, with no suspicion or alarm in his voice. That was a slight relief, though not enough for me to untense my muscles. I was ready to sprint at a moment’s notice. Sprint where? I had no clue, but I was ready.

            “Oh, not much. Just forgot something. Came back for it and got sidetracked.” Lucas said easily.

            “Sidetracked by that sweet thing in cell 40B?” the man asked, obviously implying something horrid. My skin crawled with the thoughts of what he meant. Then it dawned on me. 40B… That was my cell.

            My stomach twisted and turned and I felt like puking. He meant me. He was one of the sick bastards that came into my cell at night. I shrank back even more, if possible. I felt Lucas’s body tense as well. His voice was hard as steel when he snapped, “No.”

            A chill ran up my spine when I heard the underlying protectiveness in his voice. How could someone care about me so much? I wasn’t worth it. I was truly ruined. My father, the guards, the memories have ruined me.

            I hugged closer to Lucas, loving the feel of his warm hard muscles against me. All thoughts of Lucas’s God-like body flew out the window when the man said, “That’s too bad man. I’m headed there now. Gonna have some fun tonight.” He chuckled and I heard him take a few steps closer to Lucas, probably in some attempt to fist bump with him. He was in a rude awakening. I heard a fierce growl rip through the air and I realized it was from Lucas!

            I didn’t even have time for my eyes to focus before the man was knocked out cold on the ground with Lucas standing over him, eyes black as night and his chest heaving up and down. I took turns, looking between the two in horror. Not because of what Lucas had done, because I fully believe that he deserved it. I was horrified because I was glad… and even more so, I found it extremely attractive! What was wrong with me? I was turning into a monster like the man lying on the ground.

            Lucas slowly turned to me, and realized what he did, he cursed. “Amethyst, we have to go. Now. When patrol comes around in about twenty minutes, they are going to see Jonah. And they will come looking for missing prisoners.” He said sternly. I nodded, unable to speak. I wanted to. I wanted to say thank you. I wanted to say that it was truly heroic. But my voice wouldn’t come to me. So I just stepped awkwardly over Jonah’s body and stepped into Lucas’s arms.

            He held for a brief moment, more for his sake than my own I suspected. Then we were travelling again. He cut down a narrow hallway. A short cut, apparently. It was long and musty, but I noticed that it grew colder the farther we went. That meant it was leading out of the town. After a few minutes of very brisk walking, which Lucas had to help me a lot with, we reached a small wooden door.

            Lucas squeezed past me, so he was in front and would go out first. I closed my eyes and sighed. What was I? A crazed wanton? I enjoyed that brief moment of contact far too much.

            I erased those thoughts and focused as Lucas began to open the door. It was dark, and I could barely make out the trees that were about twenty feet away.


Twenty feet away.

I wanted to cry from sheer happiness. Until I heard a voice from behind me.

“Stop where you are Amethyst and Lucas.”

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