6: PSA; Dating Tips

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Author: Alright folks! This one was requested by Fireslash97, so hope you guys enjoy it!

Valhalla/Blue Base
On top of Blue Base was Leo and Wade standing side by side.

Leo: Hi, I'm Leo Church from the Wattpad book series, Red vs Blue Male Oc.

Wade: And I'm Wade Torchwick, also from the same book series as him.

Leo: Due to the last chapter, Wade and I have decided to take it upon our selfs to provide you readers with actual useful dating tips. In hopes of helping you score that special someone.

Tucker comes up the ramp and runs over to Leo and Wade.

Tucker: Hey! What do you mean "useful dating tips," I already told them all the useful tips they need to know about getting a slice of some ladies!

Wade: Yeah, they'd sure get a slap to the face and a broken pride, if they went with your advice!

Leo: Tucker, have you even gotten a girl with your own advice?

Tucker: Of course! I've gone out with plenty of chicks with my own material!

Wade: Really? What were one of their names, then?

Tucker thinks for a moment.

Tucker: ...Grif's sister?

Wade and Leo just look at each other, before Leo grabs Tucker, marching him over to the grav-life, before tossing him onto it and sending him off into the distance.

Tucker (Distance): SON OF A BITCH!!!

Leo walks back over to Wade.

Leo: Now that he's taken care of, shall we continue?

Wade: I'll just start off where you left off. Anyway, some of you guys, woman or whatever gender you are may have that special someone in your life that your just to afraid of asking out. Though in my case, I just got made-out with instead.

Leo: Yes, Wade not all of us have girls making the first move on us. That's why...

Leo reaches behind him and pulls out a sheet of paper.

Leo: We have a short list here to help you take that first step towards the person holding your heart hostage! Firstly, you want to know what they want or more specifically what they want in a guy. Maybe, they want a nice looking person or someone with a good personality.

Wade: They could also just want them for their money... just saying.

Leo: True, but let's not delve into that at the moment. Now, once you've somehow figured out what they want in a guy, you can then begin planning your approach... which sounds like putting your hand into a blender for most of you.

Wade: There's a couple ways of doing this. You could start up a conversation or say a pickup line, but never try to be an asshole towards them! Trust us, none of that "bad-boy," act is going to get you anywhere.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2019 ⏰

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