1: The Search for Mr. Sniffles (Canon)

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Author: I came up with this for an example but, I thought it would be funny to turn this into a story!

Mother Of Invention/Wash's Room
On the Mother Of Invention, Agent Washington is frantically searching his room for a certain someone.

Wash: (Looking under his bed) Come on Mr. Sniffles! Where are you!

Getting up from the floor, throwing his hands on his head.

Wash: (Panics) Why did I think it was a good idea, to even bring him!?

Suddenly a knock is heard from the door.

Wash: Umm.. who's there?

???: (Growls)

Wash: Oh Maine, it's just you.

Washington walks over to his door, opening it for Agent Maine.

Wash: Oh Maine! Have you seen Mr. Sniffles!

Maine: (Tilts his head in confusion)

Wash: The cat! I showed you him, last week!

Maine: (Laughs)

Wash: So, I think Mr. Sniffles is a great name but, have you seen him anywhere!

Maine: (Shakes his head)

Wash: (Sighs) Thanks anyway.

Wash slips past Maine and walks down the hallways of the MOF, searching for his precious cat.

Wash: (Whispers) Mr. Sniffles, come out from wherever you are!

???: Who the hell is Mr. Sniffles?

Wash: Gaah! (Turns around and see's Agent South standing in front of him)

South: (Tapping her feet) Well? Are you going to spill it?

Wash: Umm.. well... he's my.... gun?

South: Your gun?

Wash: ...

South: That was a horrible lie, now what are you really looking for?

Wash: (Sighs) He's my cat alright! I've been searching for him everywhere and I can't find him!

South: A cat? Who names a cat Mr. Sniffles?

Wash: Many people call there pets that! ......maybe.

South: First off, why the hell did you even bring a cat here?

Wash: I couldn't just leave him, back home! Anyway have you seen him anywhere.

South: (Smirks) I did see a cat, walk into Carolina room earlier. (Walks away)

Wash: Oh no.

After taking some left and rights through the hallways, wash finally made his way to Agent Carolina's room.

Wash: (Whispers) Please don't kill Mr. Sniffles.

Reaching his hand up to the door, he knocks twice to see if she's home.

Carolina: (Inside the room) It's open!

Wash slowly opens the door, only to see Agent Carolina sitting on her bed.... with a bright orange cat lying on her lap, with her stroking it's back.

Wash: ....umm why is Mr. Sniffles here?

Carolina: He just wander in here.

Wash: Since when did you like cats?

Carolina: Since always, acts are my favourite animals. So, is he yours?

Wash: (Gulps) Umm.. yeah.

Carolina: You know the director, doesn't like animals wandering around.

Wash: I know, I know, I promise I won't let it happen again!

Carolina: Maybe, if let me keep him for a bit, I might not tell the director about him.

Wash: Oh umm.... ok?

Carolina: Good, you also have a combat match with York in ten minutes, so best get ready for that.

Wash exits Carolina room, closing the door. He begins to walk down the hallway to get his gear, until he bumped into Maine.

Maine: (Questionable Growl)

Wash: I found him, along with an interesting fact about Carolina.

The End

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