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Jessica's POV
As we walked along the tracks we got to a spot where we could take a short cut through the woods or take the tracks all the way down to Harlow.

"The Train tracks go way out." Chris said swinging his arm around me.

"If we walk through the woods it'll save us a good hour or two." I say looking up at him. We looked into each other's eyes before Teddy Interrupted us.

"Ok so since these to are eye raping us let's all try to vote."

"Me and Jessica vote on short cut." Chris says kissing me.

"Ew! Can you guys not fuck right in front of us? Gordie, how bout you?" Teddy yells at us

"I say short cut."

"Ok well then short cut it is." Chris says as he takes his arm off my shoulder and grabs my hand leading me down the hill and into the woods as the guys follow.

Time Skip//Chris' POV
As we walked in the woods my hand still wrapped around Jess's I could just hear the annoyance in Vern's voice.

"I hate this short cut!" He said trudging through the mud.

"I hate this short cut!" Teddy said in a baby voice mocking Vern. As we came up to a little pond I felt Jess's hand tighten on mine. I turned my head to her and kissed her on the forehead.

"Great, how are we gonna get across?" Vern said looked to the other side of the small pond.

"We'll use you as a raft!" Teddy said cause all of us except Vern to laugh.

"Ha ha very funny asshole!" He said rolling his eyes.
I looked behind me and grabbed the long stick that was on the ground and poked it into the water.

"It doesn't look that deep. We can just walk across." As soon as I said that we all walked in together and feel right into the deep muggy pond.

"I told you we should have stuck to the tracks." Vern said angrily looking over at Teddy.

"Is it just me, or are you the worlds biggest pussy?"

"Oh so I suppose this is fun for you,"

"No, but this is!" As Teddy finished his sentence he went over to Vern and dunked his head into the water.

"Hey, Teddy, come on act your age!" I yelled pulling him off of Vern.

"This is my age! I'm at the prime of my youth, and I'll only be young once!" He said throwing his hands in the air.

"Yeah, but you'll be stupid for the rest of your life?" I said making Jessica laugh.

"Oh you just signed your own death waren Chambers! YOU DIE CHAMBERS!" Teddy said as he jumped on top of me and dunked me into the water. As we all play fought in the water I felt an arm pull me out of the group. When I opened my eyes I saw Jess with her arms dangling from my shoulder. As we leaned in together we kissed in the water and I couldn't help but smile through the kiss.

"Can you guys not fuck in front of us!" Teddy said as the kiss broke. Jess and I both turned and gave Teddy the finger. As we looked over to the shore we saw Gordie walking away.

"Hey where you think your going Lachance?" Jess said as she turned her head to Gordie.

"Yeah Lachance." Me and the rest of the guys said.

"Come guys stop fucking around we gotta go if we want to actually get there!" Gordie said in annoyance. *Wait, oh shit is he upset that I'm with Jess?*

As that thought went into my head I heard Vern yell sleeper hold and in seconds we were all on top of Gordie.

"Sleeper hold, sleeper hold, no one gets out of a sleeper hold!" Vern chanted as we all laughed.

Sunflower //Chris Chambers Where stories live. Discover now