"Why haven't you two fucked yet?"

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The sigh on the wall of the chain link fence read.

"Hey Vern, looks like your moms been out diving again." Gordie stares with a chuckle.

"That's so funny I almost forgot to laugh." He said back sarcastically.

"Come on lets climb over." Chis says taking mine and his bag and tossing them over the fence.

"Stand back men...and woman!" Teddy said as he through his sleeping bag over the fence. After Teddy and Vern climbed over the fence I did.

"You better be carful Jess if you don't watch out Chambers might try to look!" Teddy yelled laughing.

"Don't you dare look up Chambers!" I say to him. Even though I was wearing pants I still didn't want him to look.

He looked over a Teddy. "Great, thanks for ruining my chance Teddy." He says jokingly. I then flip him off and proceed to climb up the fence. As soon as I get off the fence I fall to the floor. As I look up I see Chris on top of me.

"Hey, look Chambers might actually get something!" Teddy yells as he runs with Vern and Gordie. Chris then proceeds to flip teddy off and help me up.

"You okay sunflower?"

"Yea I'm fine, thanks for helping me up."

"No problem. Hey you wanna race?"

"Uh I don't know."

"Oh come on Jess it'll be fun."

"Um Uh I don't know I mean- RUN!" I yell as I start running.

"Oh your gonna get it Michaels!" Chia yells as he runs behind me. "Michaels is in the lead, oh but look Chambers gets a head and come to the lead! They get closer and- CHAMBERS WINS! And the crowd goes wild!" Chris says as he lightly cheers in the background.

Time Skip
We all decide to sit down in the shade so the sun is not beating right on us. Then we all started to throw pebbles in an empty can across from us.

"Hey have you guys been watch the Mickey Mouse Club lately?" Teddy says as all the boys nod. * I know what Teddy's gonna say!*

"Yeah well, I think Annette's tits are getting bigger!" I look over at him with my eyes widened.

"It's sad that I knew you were gonna say that." I mumble to myself with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I noticed the 'A' and the 'E' are bending around the side." Gordie said as he demonstrated with his hands. All the boys began to laugh.

"Boy, Annette's tits are great!" Vern stayed with a smile on his face.

"You know who else's tits are great?" Teddy said making all the boys look over at my boobs.

"Jessica's." Chris mumbled loud enough for all of us to hear. I looked over at Chris with my eyebrows raised.

Everyone started laughing as Chris and I started blushing.

"Gee thanks Chris, I didn't know you took so much interest in my tits!" I say pointing at my boobs as the we all start laughing.

"This really is a good time."

"The most." Chris stated as he swung his arm around me.

"A blast." Teddy said as Gordie started spitting water at the Can. All the boys followed his lead as I played with the yellow bracelet on my wrist. Teddy then spit the water at vern.

"Oh great spit at the fat kid!" Vern yelled obnoxiously as we all laughed.

"Hey what time is it Gordie?"

"Um, quarter after two. Someone better go to the store, dumps gonna open soon."

"Alright Verno, go!"Teddy yells.

"Nu-Uh why don't you?"

"No way man, I'm staying right here!" Before they could fight anymore Chris stop them.

"Girls, girls! Come on we'll flip for it!" Chris said as we all took out our quarters.

"Odd man out."

"That's you Gordie, odd as a cod!" Teddy says making me laugh.

We flip and all land on tails.

"Oh man, that's a goocher!" Vern said as all of us rolled our eyes.

"Verno, nobody believes that stuff about moons and goochers, it's baby stuff! Now flip again," Teddy said in annoyance, reluctantly, Vern flips his coin.

Gordie ended up being the odd one out and had to go to the store.

"Oh Gordie just screwed the Pooch!" Teddy says laughing.

"Does the word retarded mean anything to you?"

"Gordie, Go get the provisions, you morphadite." Gordie then gets aggravated and tells Teddy to shut up who then said that stupid ass Chant.

"I don't shut up, I grow up, and when I look at you I throw up!" All of the boys said as Gordie walked away.

"Then your mother goes around the corner and she licks it up!" He yells giving teddy the finger.

Time Skip
After a while I start to get bored. As I was sitting with my back against Chris' chest I took out a Winston.

"Hey, why didn't you tell me you had Winston's on you?" He said taking the cigarette out of my mouth and taking a hit of it.

"I have like two more packs. I stole them from my brother and his asshole friends!" As Chris and I passed the cigarette back and forth Teddy couldn't help but say something.

"Why haven't you two fucked yet?" He asks sarcastically. "Because I've been waiting for you guys to!" He said through his laughs as Chris and I start to blush.

"Screw you Teddy!" I yell back.

"Well, give me all the details then. Did it hurt? Did it feel good-."

"NO!" Chris and I both yelled simultaneously.

"We didn't have sex!" Chris yelled as he smacked Teddy in the back of his head.

"Damn! Why the fuck haven't you?" He asked obnoxiously.

"Why? Do you wanna watch or something?" Chris yelled as he took the cigarette out of my mouth again to take a puff. I laughed while teddy gave Chris and I a death glare.

"Fuck you!"

"Hey, your the one that asked I'm just trying to give you an answer." Chris said to Teddy as he gave him the finger. I looked out of the corner of my eye and see him. Milo. I quickly get all the boys and we hop over the fence.

Sunflower //Chris Chambers Where stories live. Discover now